Understanding Chronic Lyme Disease Complex and It's Treatment

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Envita is a leading cancer, Lyme disease, and chronic disease Unipathic treatment center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our goal is to use the best of real time cancer and Lyme disease diagnostics to determine the best integrative cancer and Lyme disease treatments from around the world to help our patients receive a viable 2nd opinion.


Chronic Lyme Disease: Persistent Clinical Symptoms Related to Immune Evasion, Antibiotic Resistance and Various Defense Mechanisms of Borrelia burgdorferi Open Journal of Medical Microbiology Vol.4 No.4, December 2014

Chronic Lyme Disease Complex and Its Commonly Undiagnosed Primary and Secondary Co-Infections, Open Journal of Medical Microbiology Vol.5 No.3, September 2015

Borrelia burgdorferi: Cell Biology and Clinical Manifestations in Latent Chronic Lyme Open Journal of Medical Microbiology Vol.4 No.4, December 2014 The Journal of Investigative Medicine

Raphael Stricker’s study, “Counterpoint: Long-Term Antibiotic Therapy Improves Persistent Symptoms Associated with Lyme Disease,” found in Clinical Infectious Diseases.


To get a hold of a patient care coordinator today call us at: 1-866-830-4576

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Envita needs to also specify in their video that the lyme rash is not always a bullseye.


My mom has chronic lymes disease and it's terrible seeing her and pain and fighting us. We live in Utah so it doesn't usually hit here. The doctors are clueless. It's really hard


It’s more than just joint pain and chills I haven’t been diagnosed with Lyme but I feel like my symptoms line up with Lyme I’m going in for an MRI on the 22nd I have been having mood changes, depression, anxiety, it started at 15 but got progressively worse after my first child and after my second and third child too. The depression was hard to get over especially with the suicidal thoughts. I still struggle with mood changes and I hate it because that’s not who I am. Then I started to sweat at night not being able to sleep, then my headaches were getting worse and then I started waking up with these extreme headaches debilitating I couldn’t get out of bed which was terrible since I had kids to care for!Then it was the forgetting things at first I dismissed it as busy forgetfulness but then it got so bad were I couldn’t remember words or even my address if someone asked me which is when I realized that this was a serious problem and then being clumsy dropping things feeling weak and extremely tired all the time even if Ive slept well now my legs and hands are tingling and numb! And then the random twitching in my eyes, fingers, toes, lips...A lot of bruising on my body, pressure on the left side of my head and eye and ear, I also feel pain in my ankles and in my spine, it might sound weird but I can hear liquid run down my spine. I lost the ability to swallow food and I struggled with really bad heartburn and was diagnosed with gerd and Hpylori the doctors told me I had anorexia and that it was all in my head and I felt like they didn’t believe me this was also around 15-16yrs old I couldn’t eat solids or swallow liquids for about 4 years it was to traumatic I was at 112 my lowest at 20 years old and I finally switched doctors when I became pregnant with my first child that is when they found that my esophagus muscles were paralyzed and I had to get surgery mind you my oB only found out because they couldn’t figure out why I weighed only 120 on my last trimester. The myotomy saved me from starving to death and I am so grateful to this day for those doctors who didn’t dismiss what I was telling them and actually listened to me. I hate it when doctors don’t listen or think that we are making things up not saying that they all do this it’s just that most doctors lose their passion and are in such a hurry to get the patient out but I’ve learned to speak up for myself as should everyone and I will do so for my kids as well! honestly mentally debilitating. Hopefully they can find what is wrong.


most of us can't work and don't have $$$ for treatment.


This is why it's good not to put out forest fires if you can help it. Wildfires kill all three stages of a ticks life.


Hi ! I am desperate and i need an answer until i reach to a doctor...i made research online but i am more messed up that before! Few weeks ago i had my Borellia WB analyze, it came back negative, but on the analyze paper came out that Flagellin P41 came back positive. They say it is a protein common for spirochete, also Anti-human IgG came back positive as well. What does that means? It s ok for these ones to come back positive? Is it normal to have them in our body or shd i go further with investigations as 100% it is not Borellia but could be something else? I mention is second time at a different laboratory that my lyme test comes back negative! I just need to know if this Flagellin P41 positive means that i really might have a virus a bacteria in my body . PLEASE GUYS HELP ME...Google didn t manage to do it!:((


I have lyme in remission, I was able to treat everything except the debilitating malaise/intra-cranial hypertension headaches caused in part by the lyme. Feverfew is an herb that helps depression, headaches, circulation, sleep etc., works well for me.


I strong my feel like I have Lyme and that I possibly passed it through to my children.


Are you or somebody you know suffering with Lyme disease? Don't hesitate to call 1-866-830-4576 to find out treatment options tailored to your needs.


Nice videos and "absolutely basics" that are presented in this video.
But in real life there is NO HELP AT ALL.
The tests for lyme are inaccurate and useless. The reality for the lyme patient is sad.
