Lea Verou — /Reg(exp){2}lained/: Demystifying Regular Expressions
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Ближайшая конференция — HolyJS 2024 Autumn, 7 ноября (online), 14–15 ноября (Санкт-Петербург + трансляция).
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. . Quick, what does this do: /(\/*?\/)|\/\/.*?(\r?\n|$)/g? If you're like many developers, you just averted your eyes, and your heart is now in your throat. Symptoms included sweaty palms and recurring nightmares with blood-thirsty ASCII symbols. But don't worry, this condition doesn't have to be chronic. A cure is right around the corner.
As with many developers, you're familiar with the power of regular expressions, but anything beyond the basics scares the crap out of you. Fear no more young padawan! In this talk, we'll start with the basics and progressively enhance your knowledge until you're coding regular expressions like a champ. Everything will be demonstrated live with visual examples that ensure maximum comprehension.
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. . Quick, what does this do: /(\/*?\/)|\/\/.*?(\r?\n|$)/g? If you're like many developers, you just averted your eyes, and your heart is now in your throat. Symptoms included sweaty palms and recurring nightmares with blood-thirsty ASCII symbols. But don't worry, this condition doesn't have to be chronic. A cure is right around the corner.
As with many developers, you're familiar with the power of regular expressions, but anything beyond the basics scares the crap out of you. Fear no more young padawan! In this talk, we'll start with the basics and progressively enhance your knowledge until you're coding regular expressions like a champ. Everything will be demonstrated live with visual examples that ensure maximum comprehension.
Lea Verou — /Reg(exp){2}lained/: Demystifying Regular Expressions
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