Streamer Tolomeo Appears on the Level 1 Podcast! Ep. 442: Sept. 26, 2024

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Cat at 27:22
My totally spontaneous opinion as a Tolo viewer who hasn't really had much exposure to DSP prior, but I think this podcast was necessarily uncomfortable. Though set up as a casual chat, of course there was a bit of friction. Neither have interacted in years, but they've been eyeing each other's content quietly every once in a while. Phil understandably has a baseline wariness when it comes to interacting with anyone online given his reputation, but he handed Tolo an opportunity to really bring up any topic, so I think it was commendable for Phil to reach out in such a way.

Tolo clearly came into the podcast with specific grievances from years past, and I do think Phil demonstrated sincerity as much as he could have when addressing them. Phil acknowledged that he had done several sordid things in the past, but also didn't hesitate to reflect on how his actions affected others and how he's been attempting to change from such behaviors. Almost anything Tolo requested of him to admit or express, Phil really had few reservations going through with on-stream. I like to be an optimist, but even I could figure that Phil was being a tiny bit sycophantic, at least during the actual podcast. To that point, after ending the call with Tolo, he doubled down on Twitch being unfairly on his case for making fun of someone's avatar, which I actually agree with. Twitch's lack of transparency regarding infractions is frustrating, and I'm honestly surprised Tolo was at odds with Phil on this, but I reckon it's because Tolo has had scarce brush-ins with Twitch authority. Phil also doubled down on thinking that Tolo's idea to box Boogie was dumb, and I agree with that as well, but I think he could've been more fervent about his stance during the actual conversation.

Tolo also stated concerns that his appearance on the podcast would be perceived by others as an attempt to launder Phil's reputation, which is why I feel Tolo tried to stray away from expressing too much praise or agreement throughout. Tolo has definitely had some "interesting" crossover coming from Phil's audience over the years, and he did mention a few examples as being entertaining, but I don't think Tolo really desires Phil's audience checking out his content (there's the bit toward the end where Tolo says he doesn't think there's much that Phil's viewers would enjoy about Tolo's stream, but he often does this sort of self-deprecation). However, Tolo is evidently invested in seeing that Phil gets honest with himself when it comes to bettering himself as a streamer, and I'm certain it's with the best intentions. Tolo has himself had incidents where a known member in his community was up to really messed up stuff, which he has always dealt with very promptly, and is why he kept hammering in the idea that streamers have a responsibility to their audience. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with what Tolo says regarding this topic. It gets more complex in Phil's case though, and it's in the eye-opening idea that at least one douchebag is making thousands off content that puts Phil under the microscope for any misdeed that he did or didn't do, directly or indirectly, and also that there are many others that are doing the same just for the fun of it. In this light, being a steward of one's stream is immensely more difficult, and Phil basically says it's unrealistic to vet everyone in his audience. But I hope Phil truly does take away that his audience, the one he mentions would follow him wherever he goes, is very worth going the extra mile to do right with.

Overall, I think the podcast went well. But I was kinda hoping it would be more focused on video games lol.


My feedback. There's a 4hr documentary about Phil, there's enough content online about Phil, the topic of discussion in interview is about Phil. Would actually prefer an agenda and more structure approach. Tolo sounds like he's a souls veteran so maybe discuss about FromSoftware and other soulslike games. The recent WuKong release or gaming industry..but no let's keep talking about Phil.


It’s fine that Tolomeo disagrees with Phil and has a different perspective, but he can’t dictate how Phil is supposed to feel. That’s absurd. They are different people, and it’s not that easy to control how someone reacts or feels about something.


It's important to remember you're not a criminal walking among saints. We've all done and said stupid shit we end up regretting. It's just that most of us don't broadcast it. Carry on King 👑


A great podcast! 👏🏿 👍🏿 keep up the guests Phil!


Not sure if you’re open to having viewers on here but it’d be cool to have a chat with you abt something dude lol


The interview didn’t go as I was expecting. Tolo had a confrontational & contrarian attitude from the get go. His concerns, while maybe valid, didn’t seem genuine. The guy didn’t come to have a cordial friendly conversation. That’s how I saw it anyway.


What did I just saw? Is this Tolomeo guy walks on water, or something? What's with alll the high-horsing???
