How to Protect the Privacy of Your Small Business | The Journey

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00:00 – Introduction
00:25 – Establish a privacy policy
00:50 – Avoid collecting sensitive data
01:12 – Train and educate employees
02:03 – Invest in security software
02:20 – Use multifactor authentication
02:47 – Use a secure WiFi network
03:47 – Invest in cyber liability insurance
04:08 – Wrap up
The good news is that protecting data is not as expensive or intensive as one might imagine. Let’s explore best practices for privacy protection a little more in-depth.
Establish a privacy policy
Some businesses collect customer data, such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses. The privacy policy should be able to detail what kind of data the business is collecting, what the company plans to do with it, and security measures that will help protect this data.
Train and educate employees
Small businesses must take the time to train and educate employees to protect this information. This training will allow employees to better understand the important role they play in helping protect customer data and other valuable business information.
Invest in security software
Anti-malware software to help combat phishing attacks, network security software to scan and identify vulnerabilities prior to a data breach, antivirus software which scans for viruses and malware after each computer update, and firewall software to keep cyber-attackers from entering a private network and accessing its data.
Computer security software for real-time protection against any incoming threats. This software also scans computers for existing threats and identifies, blocks, and deletes suspicious codes and software. Remember to audit your website regularly and turn on automatic updates on software programs.
Implement multi-factor authentication
Multi-factor authentication helps verify the identity of the person logging in and adds an extra layer of security protection by asking for additional information along with their username and password. Some examples of multi-factor authentication include receiving a call on an employee’s cell phone or texting a passcode. Multi-factor authentication helps verify the identity of the person logging in and adds an extra layer of security protection.
Use a secure WiFi network
Most small businesses have a Wi-Fi network in place for employees and staff members. This network should be secure, encrypted and hidden. Employees working from home or working remotely should utilize a virtual private network (VPN) to protect business data and other confidential information.
Regularly backup data
Turn on automatic settings to backup these files. Data stored in the cloud should also be backed up regularly, too. If you have print copies of important documents, keep them stored in a safe, separate location from the business in the event of a natural disaster or any other issue that can potentially impact the business.
Invest in cyber liability insurance
Entrepreneurs can reach out to these insurance companies for a quote and make a purchase based on the needs of the business to further ensure the security and privacy of the small business.
Privacy is an important asset for small businesses and will continue to be important in the future. Hopefully, these guidelines on how to protect the privacy of your small business can help move your business in a more secure direction.
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