Joe Cheng - Extending Tableau with R and Shiny

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Cascadia R Conf 2021 Session Talks

Joe Cheng
Pronouns: he/him
RStudio, PBC / Redmond, WA
Session: Shiny and R

Extending Tableau with R and Shiny

Many organizations rely on Tableau to provide day-to-day insights from their data. Thanks to Tableau’s point-and-click interface and focused feature set, almost anyone can produce attractive and useful visualizations and dashboards. On the other hand, tasks that are routine to R users can sometimes be difficult or impossible to achieve with Tableau. So it’s common to use R to preprocess data that is then fed to Tableau, or use Tableau’s R integration features to fortify their data tables with columns calculated by R. But until now, there hasn’t been an obvious way to let Tableau take advantage of R’s powerful visualization and reporting capabilities. This talk will introduce {shinytableau}, an experimental new package that lets R users create reusable Tableau dashboard extensions, using the power of R and Shiny to generate visualizations that are not achievable with Tableau alone.

Bio: Joe Cheng is RStudio's Chief Technology Officer, and the original creator of Shiny. He was the first employee at RStudio, joining founder J.J. Allaire in 2009 to help build the RStudio IDE. He continues to work on packages at the intersection of R and the web.
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Well the limitations made this useless for 90% of the people who were interested 😂
