Pope Francis calls for debt burden cut for world's poorest countries hit hardest by pandemic

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교황, 세계은행•IMF에 서한..."빈국 채무 부담 줄여달라"

Pope Francis is calling on the world to cut the debt burden of poor countries that have been slammed by the economic impact of the pandemic.
In a letter to the participants of the IMF and World Bank's annual spring meeting,... the pope explained that a spirit of global solidarity demands a significant reduction in the debt burden.
He also said in the letter dated April 4th that the pandemic has forced the world to come to terms with interrelated socioeconomic, ecological, and political crises.

#Pope_Francis #Debt #poor_country

2021-04-09, 07:00 (KST)
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This hypocrite could lead by example and finally return all the riches, all the gold and silver, that the catholic band of robbers stole from the natives of Latin America and that are still in the possession of these thieves.


I have a message for Francis.

"A special place has been prepared for Francis and his Church leadership in *Tartarus.* A special room and special judge has been assigned to His Holiness. *Typhon* will be the guide of his Holiness."

The Holy Sea should give the message to the likes of Peter Thiel. Their is *God* who rules over the rich as well as the poor. To prove Himself to man yet again, *The Lord of Hosts* will topple Peter Thiel before the eyes of his peers.

To prove these things *The Lord* will send man yet another surprise.


Start with no more interest so at least countries can pay on the actual loan.


Despite what Francis has said, A.) Holy Scripture, Jesus has - and three times, formally announced the damnation of Judas. [Jn 6:70; Mt 26:24; Jn 17:12]

B) Tradition of the Church's Faith bears witness to the damnation of Judas. (1) The Church celebrates each Apostle's feast, but She never celebrated Judas'... That proves She has always believed he was not in Heaven. (2) Knowing Judas was not in Heaven, neither did Church ever pray for him to get there... that's the proof She has always believed he wasn't in Purgatory either.

C) The Church's Magisterium also teaches that Judas is in Hell. Saint Peter, the first Pope, in the exercise of his universal and infallible Magisterium, during the first synod of Bishops gathered by and under his supreme authority, teaches that Judas "has gone to his own place". [Ac 1:25]. Moreover, in three places the Catechism of the Council of Trent (the ordinary Magisterium) says that "Judas has not profited from Redemption and that he has lost his soul".
