Billy Carson, slavery in Ancient Egypt #4biddenknowledge #anunnaki christianity #bible #religion

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I do agree with this. Our past is a lie. We must each do our own research on our history to find truth.


They excavated the site where the people who worked on the pyramid lived.. they had houses built for them and close to the houses was like a trash dump or landfill where they buried trash. They went thru the dump and by the things they were throwing away you could tell they were citizens who worked, got paid, had off days drank beer had parties….


Keep teaching the knowledge Billy Carson 👌🏿


Billy, buddy, Workers and Sklavs are the same words in two different indo languages.
You can not have a civilized centralized society without Sklavenrei.
If you ever seen a slave auction flier read the fine print at the bottom it says:
Hirer must provide clothes, food, housing, and medical.
Although I translated it into New English for you thats exactly what it said.
The wage system was attached to Sklaverei therefore slaves were Löhnsklaven "Wage Workers" the same as in modern Civilized Societies. 👍
You should know that seeing that its also mentioned in every religious book or Bibel.
Anybody who relies on another person for their well-being or for money "Löhnen" is a Slave "Arbieter, Werker, Worker, Helper, Apprentice, Servent".
That includes the most obediant Servants "Government Officials".
Damn near everybody is a slave in one way or another except for the King or Queen who ever they maybe.
Generally it would be a White Male and Dark skinned Black female would be the Holy King and Queen of all lands.👍
I would look at hidden royals of Sweden or Liechtenstein 👍👍
And yes Ive been to Egypt for family reunions and Kislev.


Thank you....I felt this intuitively years ago.❤❤❤❤❤


And the Lord said: “I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites. Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel has come to Me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”
Exodus 3:7‭-‬10 NKJV


I can’t today, I just can’t. I’m going to sit down, in the back and put my head on the desk. Hotep


And that trash the "guides" that walk tours around and the nonsense they tell them because they have to go to university to become a tour guide (2 yrs) to learn all the BS to say.


Hey I have a question.
Can you make a video on the Christen Business Bibel and Servorum Laws?
And what's the difference between Black People and Austral Habsji?


And Government alougurds are still living to us...😮


No slaves until Europeans colonized Africa's territories. But before everyone was covered for free by compassion, sympathy and empathy. Our ancestors lived bounded by morals, civility, care and love. Their religion was humanity. Each child that was born was born rich.. already set to be mentored to be educated and trained with truth, honesty and justice setting the yutes for their goals for the future to become wise men and women to teach their young as well. It takes a village to raise and educate each child the righteous and holy way. ASE' and MA'AT eternal


All the scholars even proved it to be no slavery and it was the ancestors who built the pyramids and temples etc….


I’ve often questioned the idea that the Egyptians were an oppressive regime.
This does it for me, trust your instincts and you will never be fooled again.


Can you do something on Adam's Calendar?


The Exodus story is in the Hebrew testament. The Christians adopted the fable. They didn't create the fable.


I've NEVER in my life met a Christian who thinks there was no slavery in Egypt. The WHOLE CHAPTER of Exodus proves there was slavery in Egypt.
Like, tF are you yammering about, "dR.cArSoN"??🤔🧐😳🙄😵🖕🏻


Rockstone was My ⛵ pillow Cold 🥶 ground was My ⛵ bed 🐪 ice age abominable snowman ☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️ family truth set truth Free


The trip to the holy land was miserable!!! And God just started killing them when they complained lol what a loving God.


We know that because they found cities next to the pyramids that had ledger's still talking about what these workmen were paid to build the pyramids


Well cared for slave is still a slave.
