STEALING £15M to Fund Gambling: Freddy David

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Gambling headlines in the Daily Mail, BBC and Times are appearing every week as the gambling industry faces allegations of fraud, corruption and compulsive gambling. See this short gambling documentary as we explain the dishonest downfall of gambling, as it happens.

A recent headline about Freddy David sentencing has captured the attention of many. Freddy David was responsible for a gambling Ponzi scheme that lasted over 10 years. Gambling fraud is on the rise with the use of modern technology. As published in the Daily Mail, we take a closer look at the latest Freddy David gambling details.

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This video is about Freddy David's case where it's reported that he stole £15M to fund gambling.
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Brilliant final sentence! 🤣 The whole situation is such a clusterf*ck.


Spot on about the comapnies abusing the affordability check power. I've had companies refuse to pay out winings until they've seen 3 months of bank statements, for deposits of £200, and yet the same companies have allowed deposits/losses of £1000s.


They don’t want to know your source of income until you have a decent winner. The online bookmakers totally abuse these affordability & source of funds checks, you are right.


Spot on. Gambling isn't easy, it takes time to learn how do it well. Back in my younger days I was guilty of punting too much too often, but you learn and improve. To act like anyone with a problem can't ever fix it and won't be better off having fixed it, is robbing people of an opportunity for self improvement. Some people will take advantage by blaming gambling addiction for their behaviour. Though not to diminish the struggles of those who truly need help.


Love it. great content. My heart always sinks when after a £250 deposit, I get asked for 3 forms of ID for a £400 withdrawal to the same bankcard I deposited with. I'd love to understand the hypothetical scenarios where the withdrawal check prevents fraud/money laundering/irresponsible gambling.

I stole the £250, got lucky, and am now withdrawing a sum to which I'm not entitled to?
I guess that check would feel reasonable and proportionate if I won a £500k jackpot?

Please let me know if I'm missing anything!


Caan, you got big balls man. I'm proud of you.


He was obviously losing so, cause if he was winning they would have stopped him fairly quickly


since being asked for proof of source of funds and lots of other personnel info from the 3 main accounts, incuding exchanges, i have literally not placed a bet for several months now.


Fantastic video. Brilliantly summed up.


That Dr Newall is some fella. Well, then again I missed this upload for nigh on four weeks somehow..

Hey-ho.. Keep up the great work Caan.


great analysis, the UKGC needs to take a long hard look at what they're doing. The only thing i can say is the unregulated black market is probably worth more to these companies than the legit market


C'mon Caan, I'm starting to feel a little insecure in my small trading pursuits! Anyway, the UK BGC tell me "Our number one priority is to raise standards and drive big changes across the UK betting and gaming industry." What have we got to worry about with friends like that? Too be honest 'tho, this is a total disgrace. This global power and influence we are witnessing is troubling. History tells me when all else fails, these people go to war. Very concerning to be honest. Keep it up buddy. Cheers


When will someone take the bookmakers to account, Skybet refused a £10ew double off me the other day, said I can have £6.25 on.If they can restrict winners how can they not restrict problem gamblers, is there anybody on these committees who understands gambling and can talk the language we need a say.


You meant to say "well done you corrupt government fuckers". At least I think that's what you meant to say, I'll make it my version at least.


That’s why I do matched betting. I can get unlimited 365 accounts rinse and repeat😎


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