Atlanta police announce 'significant' arrests in multiple investigations

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Atlanta police officials and Mayor Andre Dickens are holding a news conference where they are announcing 'significant' arrests in multiple investigations.
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Escalating disputes a never get me no matter how they bait me they'll get no reaction from me and I'm getting da hell on


Thank you for finally stopping Eligio Bishop from committing further harm upon women.
Just a suggestion, you might want to stop his jail calls, as he is using the privledged of jail calls to further conspire and downplay his very serious crimes.

Coercive Control in the most dangerous kind of abuse, because it always is attributed with physical abuse, and even murder.


Taking notes 📝 from Florida Sheriff Grady Judd-- good work gentlemen, Clean tha Streets! God Bless America!!


Want to thank all the police officers for all they do. All over the US. We the people respect and appreciate all who serve us. You risk your life daily for the safety of others, may God Bless you all and your families. May he keep all of you safe and your family. Murder or child predators should not receive a bond. Keep the public safe may make these people think about the risk. Also, may make a person decide it not worth hanging around with trouble, staying away from it. Should show pictures of these people.


I take that back when yall pull me over all I want is grace and mercy I need to extend more forgiveness


With all that recidivism, suggest da gospel


There are a length of videos abusing the women in his cult along abusing children's mothers online. Please do your due diligence on obtaning all the information on Eligo Bishop named Natureboy


I dont watch news in my country anymore. I just watch the Yanks mostly. Been in my room for over 2 months


a. open city jail
b. stop no bond requirements
c. re-start police chase policy
d. hire new professional police chief (not 1st time chief)
e. impound cars doing illegal stunts !
f. shut down gang bang clubs


Update: 10/02/21 According to article in ‘PARADE’ in 2012, a psychologist study showed that children need to know (1) that things don’t always work out (2) and you need to know about your ‘Family History’! My comments: Find out how your parents and others were treated by who they thought were their parents, grandparents, uncles/aunts, cousins, great uncles/aunts? Who were their enemies and what happened: who got after them, tried to harm them or who tried to kill them or who killed them? Their dates, places of birth, death, marriages? Their children 👶? Did they go to school: where, when and how? Why didn’t they go to school or further their education? When did they leave home and why? Workplaces? A group member’s comments below: A foundation (family history) is so important ... even if just stories about a parent’s life experiences. Agreed, we need to raise children to be resilient. The other part psychologists are saying, it is important that parents allow children to solve their own problems. Too often parents step in to fix, but we will not be here forever to solve their problems..


Update: 8/18/21 6:02 PM; 5/26/21, I found out 16 years ago that there were many unofficial adoptions from the beginning of time up until the 1940s for the United States and still continuing all over the world where there were no paperwork, no attorney nor court, nothing legal. You just take the baby, infant, toddler, small child, and teen home with you and when the ‘census records takers’ comes around you just tell them that its your daughter/son if they will be too young to remember that they were separated from their biological parents; they are not never told about whatever happened to their parents, that they were/are not their children, and that they are not the parents. Not only did relatives take in the orphans but none relatives or friends of the parents and neighbors. Back then heads of households took in strangers when they didn’t have nobody to stay with; and the census records aren’t correct as to the ‘role’ of the infant, baby, toddler and small child to the head of households, in many cases if the infant, baby, toddler and small child isn’t no kin then they are mistreated badly, not talked to, nor cared about nor looked out for nor encouraged to do better or stay in school. This is the reasons that you may not be liked, respected, cared about, talked to, looked out for by who you think is your parents, grandparents, greats, aunts/uncles, first cousins and other kin. That’s why you can’t find midwives papers 1.) because who you think is your parents and grandparents are not 2.) because the baby, infant, toddler and small child wasn’t old enough to remember that they were separated from their parents for whatever reasons - one to a few of one hundred reasons. There’s many reasons why babies, infants, toddlers, small children and teens are separated from their biological parents. Collect the Family history anyway, because you could be possibly cousins, you would have to get an Ancestry dna test or 23&me to find out for sure..


What makes you laugh will make you for the bad oys


Y’all trying too do damage control because of the whistle blower that came out. How many points they get? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Update: 9/30/21, Relatives aren’t always exactly who you think that they were/are, a lot of things were happening back before the 1940s that many won’t talk about. It’s good to dig in your family history, search for old photos, but keep your mouth shut like an detective, don’t let them know what you are thinking 💭🤔, noticing when you are investigating relatives and discovering secrets/things; sounds like secrets up in your family tree, you, your parents or grands and others could be orphans and they aren’t telling you beans, they are just keeping their mouths shut, keeping secrets and keeping their distance.

Share with the congregation, or post on Facebook or send in messenger, somebody needs to research/dig in their Family History.

Update: 6/12/21, over 35 years ago, upon two occasions, a neighborhood friend out of the Blue, I don’t know what prompted him to state this, “your relatives aren’t exactly who you think that they are, your grandmother could be an aunt or a cousin”; or instead your granddad could be the uncle or the cousin. I didn’t think that this concerned me at all because I believed what my parents told me that those were their parents and relatives, but they weren’t too happy with the relatives and often complained; me and my siblings complained too, these relatives weren’t treating us right. I found out 15 years ago that there were many unofficial adoptions from the beginning of time up until the 1940s for the United States and still continuing all over the world (I imagine in war torn countries where children were/are orphaned))when there were no paperwork, no attorney nor court, nothing legal. You just take the baby, infant, toddler, small child, and teen home with you and when the ‘census records takers’ comes around you just tell them that its your daughter/son if they will be too young to remember that they were separated from their biological parents; they are not never told about whatever happened to their parents, that they were/are not their children, and that they are not the parents. Not only did relatives take in the orphans but none relatives or friends of the parents and neighbors. Back then heads of households took in strangers when they didn’t have nobody to stay with; and the census records aren’t correct as to the ‘role’ of the infant, baby, toddler and small child to the head of households. In many cases if the infant, baby, toddler and small child is believed to be no kin, then they are mistreated badly, not talked to, nor cared about nor looked out for nor encouraged to do better or stay in school; this is the reasons that you may not be liked, respected, cared about, talked to, looked out for by who you thought was your parents, grandparents, greats, aunts/uncles, first cousins and other kin, because they believe that you are not related/kinfolks. This is why you can’t find ‘Midwives papers’ 1.)because who you were told and grew up believing is your parents and grandparents believe that you are not which isn’t always true because the men folks were stepping outside of their marriages and dropping babies 2.) because the babies, infants, toddlers and small children weren’t old enough to remember that they were separated from their parents for whatever reasons - one to a few out of one hundred reasons. There’s many reasons why babies, infants, toddlers, small children and teens are separated from their biological parents. Collect the Family history anyway, because you possibly could be 2nd to 10th cousins, you would have to get an Ancestry dna test or 23&me to find out for sure. Isaiah 53:4-6; James 1:25-27.


Beulah George "Georgia" Tann was an American child trafficker who operated the Tennessee Children's Home Society, an adoption agency in Memphis, Tennessee. Wikipedia
Born: July 18, 1891, Philadelphia, MS
Died: September 15, 1950, Memphis, TN
Organization: Tennessee Children's Home Society
Alma mater: Columbia University; Martha Washington College
Parents: George Clark Tann, Beulah Isabella Tann
Siblings: Rob Roy Tann.


Is there a religion that has the right teachings that will lead us to heaven?

James 1:26-27
[26]If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

[27]Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

James 1:25_27

A lot of things were happening before the 1940s especially in the United States of America; people born before the 1940s, could possibly be orphans and believed to be no kin/related to who they were told were/are their parents. Pay attention to how your parents, grands and other relatives were/are treating you, because they supposed to care something about you. Infants/babies, small children, teens, young adults, older adults and others had to be taken into the households of relatives, neighbors, strangers and friends of the parents and when no relatives could be found then friends of the parents, neighbors, or strangers took the orphans into their household. When the babies, infants, small children grows up they have no memory of what happened in the past, many cases they were treated badly and wondered why their parents care nothing about them or don’t want to be bothered, but they sees parents and relatives treating other relatives and friends better. The orphans feels outcasted, lonely, and not cared for and goes to their graves not knowing that they were orphans.

I believe that’s what was wrong with my parents, they were looking for Love among the Relatives and couldn’t find it. The relatives thought they were no kin and we were not related, so that’s why they were treated badly, outcasted, had no support networks and were lone wolves. I found out that they were orphans some 16 years ago, so they went to their graves not knowing that they were orphans like so many others born sometimes before the 1940s..


Yes I meant to send these messages to you. I am sending you these messages to help you and others who wonders why their relatives don’t care nothing about you which can make you feel lonely, share messages with others whose relatives doesnt care nothing about them; share these messages with others who complaint about not being liked nor cared about by Relatives.

Since my mother at age 50 died in August, 1970 when I was 14, I didn’t get to know her, and my dad were drinking crown royal everyday faithfully, from age 54 up to three weeks before he died at 79 years old on sept 26, 1995. Me and my two younger brothers were on our on because we were never given instructions, rules, nobody checking upon us. So I had to be the parent to myself, my two brothers and my father too, he couldn’t read and write and who he thought were his father weren’t his dad and treated, him badly up until he left home at age 14 with no place to go; he had a hard time in Life and so did his children. It were very stressful growing up with these kind of parents..
