WTF Is? Get Forward Vector in Unreal Engine 4 ( UE4 )

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What are the Get Forward Vector Nodes in Unreal Engine 4

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Man, your WTF series is the best way to understand Blueprint. Thank you very much!


These videos are so useful dude, any time I'm trying to figure something out I google it and here you are explaining it in detail. Cheers


Ugh! Thank you for this. I didn't know that forward vector was between 0 and 1 so nothing I ever tried that incorporated it would work because I thought it was producing like a world location vector or something, this is perfect. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this! I've just started game dev but was confused with these concepts. Your explanation gave me a much better understanding of


Wonderful explanation. I Just fixed my Line trace by replacing my add with the correct multiply. I wondered why this matters, but with a vector from -1 to 1 its makes perdectly sense now ❤❤


Very helpful, thank you! I was having issues trying to always get the front vector from an out-rotation...Didn't know it would be different from plugging directly on an object reference. Also, the trace check helped. It seems the player camera manager is always pitched above and behind the actual head of the player (not helpful for VR). The solution was to reference the actual camera in motionControllerPawn, instead of player camera manager.


0:55 pause for Code: How to get a Sphere/Capsule trace that is [100] units in FRONT (Forward vector) of the character. [Meaning how to make the Sphere shape start at the edge of the character and project forward, instead of the Sphere start at the center of the character (and we dont want to check for things that collided behind).]
So use: Get Actor Location > feed into top pin of a + Node.
Below that: Get Actor Forward Vector > Multi times 100 (Type * vector, and choose Vector * float). > connect to the bottom Pin of +.
Feed Output of + into the Start and End location of [Sphere or Capsule Trace by Object / Channel).


Man the opening of your videos is Epic!!


whew thanks for this man, I was going nuts trying to understand why my forward vector was not working as I intended.


One of these days I'm going to understand gimbal lock with eulers and quaternions, and especially how they apply to animation.

So does Unreal have a way to switch the X, Y, Z order in Euler rotation and do you have a video and any other that explain them really well in Unreal? I know some about them from the Humane Rigging Blender DVD on YouTube but I still don't completely "get it".


I'm new and I'm trying to figure out how to make an object move in its forward vector. I have tried getting the relative transform and adding to the x value and then setting that as the new relative location on an event tick but the object only moves in one world direction even when the object is rotated. What am I doing wrong? I'm thinking that I have to add its relative x rotation in somehow but I'm not sure how.


You know you're an Unreal Rockstar!


could you help me? I am trying to figure out how to destroy an actor based on location above or below a specific value on the z axis. I understand how to get the actor location but don't know how to set a value based on the z axis. I was planning on comparing these locations using a less/more than float connected to a branch to get it to work.


Is the forward vector always on the X axis? This is something that has always confused me !
