What is Spring Webflux and when to use it?

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Reactive programming with Spring Webflux. Its features and ideal use-cases.
Please note that for streaming data, you have to use @Tailable annotation in your pricesRepository. Just using findAll() will not work. I missed to mention this in the video.
Complex concepts explained in short & simple manner. Topics include Java Concurrency, Spring Boot, Microservices, Distributed Systems etc. Feel free to ask any doubts in the comments. Also happy to take requests for new videos.
New video added every weekend.
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Please note that for streaming data, you have to use @Tailable annotation in your pricesRepository. Just using findAll() will not work. I missed to mention this in the video.
Complex concepts explained in short & simple manner. Topics include Java Concurrency, Spring Boot, Microservices, Distributed Systems etc. Feel free to ask any doubts in the comments. Also happy to take requests for new videos.
New video added every weekend.
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