Day 1: 10/300 | Learn 300 Italian Words in 30 Days Challenge

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This is the best video to start building your Italian vocabulary in 30 Days.

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Step 3: Achieve Your Learning Goal and master Italian the fast, fun and easy way!

With this series, we will teach you the core 300 Italian words that you must know if you're a an absolute beginner.
With each new episodes in this series, we’ll include a review section so you remember everything you've learnt.
So after you’ve learned the new words and phrases, stick around and review what you learned in previous lessons. Reviewing is one of the most important parts of learning a language!
This is THE place to start if you want to learn Italian, and improve both your listening and speaking skills.

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#Basic #Vocabulary #Italian #LearnItalian #ItalianLanguage #ItalianPod101
Рекомендации по теме

0:33 - 1 - Buongiorno: Hello
Buongiorno. Mi chiamo Paola Rossi.
Hello. My name is Paola Rossi

1:08 - 2 - Mi scusi: Excuse me
Mi scusi. Questo dovrebbe essere il mio posto.
Excuse me. This is supposed to be my seat.

1:47 - 3 - Mi dispiace: I’m sorry
Mi dispiace, ma non posso venire
I’m sorry, but I can’t come

2:20 - 4 - Buonanotte: Good night
Buonanotte e sogni d’oro!
Good night and sweet dreams!

2:50 - 5 - Piacere di conoscerti: Nice to meet you
Piacere di conoscerti. Mi chiamo John
Nice to meet you. My name is John

3:29 - 6 - Come stai?: How are you?
Ciao Mary, come stai?
Hi, Mary, how are you?

3:58 - 7 - Sì: Yes
Sì, è buonissimo
Yes, it’s delicious

4:24 - 8 - No: No
No, non ho domande
No, I don’t have any questions

4:53 - 9 - Grazie: Thank you
Grazie dell’informazione
Thank you for the information

5:23 - 10 - Sono: I'm
Sono Sara, piacere
I’m Sara, nice to meet you

5:52 - Review Time


So happy a former football star from the 1982 World cup is teaching Italian.


Me learning speak italiano.. From Bangladesh 🇧🇩


I really enjoyed this! I am going to add you to my resources.


I begin the lesson in the 01/02/2023
I will do it


Hi! I have a question about the rhythm of Italian speech. My first language is American English, and I have been told I don't have enough "swing" to the end of Italian words, or I accidentally use the Spanish pronunciation instead of Italian. Is there anything on your website to help with this?


Anyone managed to remember 300 words in a month?
