SIG Testing Deep Dive – Sen Lu, Google & Cole Wagner (Intermediate Skill Level)

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SIG Testing Deep Dive – Sen Lu, Google & Cole Wagner (Intermediate Skill Level)

If you are a k8s contributor, and curious how k8s testing infrastructure works, come and join us! This session is dedicated to a deep dive into k8s CI/CD system - Prow.We will be showing how each sub-controller works in Prow, what happens after you submit a new Pull Request on Github, and how Tide automatically merges your PR. We will also go over the roadmap for the year! After the session attendees should gain better understanding of the Prow architecture and best practices in getting PRs merged.

About Sen
Sen started to contribute to Kubernetes Project since 2016. Sen is mainly focus on Kubernetes Testing Infrastructure, i.e. Prow, Kubetest, Gubernator, Boskos, and Testgrid...

About Cole
I've been working on GKE Engprod for a little over a year now. I primarily work on testing infrastructure, process automation, and automated PR merging for the Kubernetes Github org. I specifically focus on Prow and Tide.
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Hello Guys,

I'm trying to make the "hello world" in Prow following the steps defined in (..prow/ but in a local minikube cluster. Steps OK:
1) local k8s cluster with minikube created
2) Github secrets configured
3) Prow services deployed (exposed wirth ngrok)
4) github weebhook configured

I see the POST requests from github to my local cluster OK in the ngrok trace

But now, I'm blocked trying to add the size plugin. I don't have clear this part. I'm running the command "kubectl create configmap..." and I'm getting this error
error validating "STDIN": error validating data: [apiVersion not set, kind not set]

I modified the given example plugin.yaml file content adding this api version and kind, but still failing.
