HOME - Resonance [1 Hour]

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I am not the owner of this song, this is just for entertainment purposes. All the credits and rights for the original music go to their respective owners!
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Hi, this is me, a random and unknown person you don’t know. You prob don’t care about this comment, but I want to write me a little letter to my version of the future. I’m missing 1 year of school till graduation, so I want to remember this comment and come back when I graduate and when I’m finally done with school. I just don’t want this comment to get lost, you’re free to ignore it, but I used this music while it was still the pandemic and I did my homework, so I want to remember my past (me), because this can be considered as my teenage music haha. Thank you, have a great day/night.


There’s nothing as beautiful and painful as memories


Listening to this while staring out your apartment window during a thunderstorm is just a different level of vibe


I hope Resonance will be one of the fragments left of humanity after it is inevitably destroyed.


Hello, my name is Alisson César, an 19yo guy living in Brazil. Back in mid-2021, I was studying my 2nd high school year, studying at home, when I've found this video through YouTube's algorithm. It was instant passion. Since 2021, this song became the most heard song I've ever listened to. For example, after a day at school, I used to play this video and sometimes I also could reach the entire hour, marking I've successfully studied one hour. Because of that, I began to listening it while I was always studying, specially when I arrived at the senior year, because I always tried to listen this video 3 times, eg, 3 hours non-stop. Because of that "good addiction", I successfully passed at 1st place at a teaching degree grad at History. My school, knowing that, invited me to exhibit a speech last week and, of course, my entire family is pround of my work and dedication. Thank you, the person behind this channel: you indirectly is responsible to help me get authorized to study at the college. God bless you.


Please never delete this video, it means too much to me


This music is like a booster, Whatever you feel, it boosts fuels it. You either get more sad, nostalgic or become hopeful & optimistic


Really good music helped me through all my school work


People who disliked were vibing so hard that they misclicked


I feel like this song is the song that even If you played it through your entire life you wouldn't get tired of it


You’re in the car, at night. The sky is pitch black, the only light coming from the cars. You listen to this as you’re on your way home from visiting some relatives. It’s a total vibe.


Playing this while driving in GTA at night hits different please try it


I'm glad you made it so when the music stops, it doesn't get quiet, but starts again, it's really helpful and doesn't interrupt the vibe, I'm glad that this track doesn't just end the music, then silence then the music starts over again. In this case it doesn't end until obviously we reach the end of the soundtrack after an hour. Perfect to keep it on repeat.


This song makes me feel soo nostalgic. When I hear this, I think of taking a long journey on a ski lift on the top of a big mountain. It is a beautiful night, the snow glitters as the moon shines down. I feel the cold begin to hit me in the face, but I don't care. I begin to lift the bar of the ski lift as I reach the top. When I get off, I sit and put my snowboard bindings on. The clicking of the bindings tightening makes my adrenaline pump. After I finish, I stand, and begin to glide down my last run of the night.

Edit: Just came back from a (in state) ski trip. I tried skiing and I liked it a lot. So I am now a skier and snowboarder.


the transition from the finish to the start with the drums is such a live saver. most 1 hour loops have the song be finished and play it again and it causes unwanted silence. best loop ive heard in my life


For the first time I actually listened to an entire 1 hour video without stopping it halfway in. I am glad that it was this one.


I like how you put the effort into outlining the audio spectrum on the mountains! :D


You asked "Why?" as you gazed towards them in curiosity. "Soon, you'll know." they replied.


The way it loops and the beat just keeps going, perfect one hour version 😍🔥🔥


Here's another unknown and aspiring teenager here commenting on this video. I wish to become successful enough to buy my dream car, when that happens. Im taking it for a really long drive as i play this on repeat. Im around.. 1 year away from getting into college? And maybe another 4-5 years in getting my degree and landing a good job. But yeah, when i do. I will make sure to save up a plenty of money that i can just get to the showroom, buy my car, and then head out to the highway straight for a drive to my parents' house. Then yeah, im taking them for a ride with me. All that while i play this.
Thank you for extending something so profoundly beautiful.
