Grubby plays Stormgate EARLY ACCESS! What's new? What's Improved?

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Grubby plays Stormgate EARLY ACCESS! What's NEW? What's Improved? (Game played on 31-July-2024)

#Stormgate #1v1 #Vanguard
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I wish they had done more to separate themselves from SC2 thematically. However, I do think they've done a good job of improving upon some of the aspects of SC2 that deter people, especially more casual players, from playing it. Two of the main ones for me being 1. Very high lethality and 2. A big emphasis on economy harassment. Being able to lose your army or worker line in just a moment of inattention can make the game stressful and frustrating, and it's one of the reasons I find myself always coming back to WC3 but not SC2, despite it being a great game in its own right


How does SC2 from 2010 look 10x better than this slop. It's both ugly and creatively bankrupt.


I'll be honest... So far, not impressed with what I see.

The self proclaimed "next gen RTS" is mashup of 22 year old Warcraft 3 and 14 year old StarCraft 2, with very little apparent innovation... And it still manages to look worse than a 14 year old StarCraft 2.
That is... not encouraging. And campaign presentation was not exactly stellar - feeling like a carbon copy of Warcraft 3 Human campaign.
And the graphics style... eh... it feels, for lack of a better word... reforged.

This feels like the situation with FPS games back in the mid 2000s and early 2010s. Remember? When every FPS series tried to be another modern military shooter? To snatch some of that "call of duty crowd"?
We saw the same thing with MOBAs, with Battle Royales, Hero Shooters, Looter and Extraction Shooters.

At this stage at least, it looks like another copy cat with very little own identity. But... why choose a copycat if original is still there? Unless copycat is a MASSIVE jump in quality or does truly revolutionary and great things... there is no reason.
So far it looks like another RTS failure in the making - yet another game trying to be "the next XYZ", instead of being its own thing.


I know what we need. Mechabellum but with swords, magic and dragons.


I think the most common praise for this game is something like "the engine is pretty good". Which is fine but we don't want to play an engine, we want to play a fun game.

Feels like stormgate is still missing its "soul". The gameplay doesn't seem cool, the campaign is fairly lackluster, and the graphics are uninspired. There's nothing here that makes me want to play this over other games. Hopefully they can improve in a year.


I want storm gate to do well, i just don't think it's there yet.

They have a long road ahead but I'm hopeful they really take a long hard look at their game and take people's feedback into consideration. As someone that others wc3 style to sc2, I was immediately disappointed that gameplay was closer to sc2 than wc3.

The art style is a popular art style, so it doesn't speak to me, but i can see it being fine in the long run.

The sounds design is rough, both balancing and unit stuff just isn't there yet.

Thanks for your thoughts grubby. Fingers crossed they make some serious changes and get more community support.


Never miss the chance to kill critters like in WC3


Oof. Not only do the units and buildings look scarily much like SC2, the terran music also sounds very similar and they even copied whole unit lines: "In the rear, with the gear". I'm not impressed. I hope the campaign will be good, but I doubt it will even come close to the quality of SC2's campaign.


As someone who likes SC and has been missing good RTS games, it was an instant buy, even if only to show the industry there is demand for this genre.


I like the pace of the game so far, faster than wc3 slower than sc2


Why does this game look so soulless. Warcraft 3 art style was one of the best art styles ever made in a video game that still holds up today. How could they go so wrong


Happy to see a revival of the genre. The feedback (to all the new games) shows that it is really difficult to please rts players though.


I’m more interested in zerospace rn, graphics look a lot better and more interesting gameplay


Cant believe game from 2003 still bested game from 2024


the default production queues and auto production-building-hotkeying behind Q W E R T hots is great imo. No requirement to constantly redefine control groups when new production buildings are built


Love the gameplay (1v1). But the art design is abysmal. I can't believe they released single player missions in the state it's in. Main character Amara is annoying and her face/body look way off.


I'd like to commend them for bringing back the hype on this genre but Gates of Pyre will be the one to solve the SC2 problem


I have taken a big break from rts and stuff in general since the first big kickstarter alpha, I’m actually enjoying the art style in game (if it’s like 80% of the way to the final product) it’s the visuals everywhere else I’m iffy.


I was so excited when I first saw Frost Giant studios, coming to say they’re making an rts with an absolutely stacked development team. But once I saw that first bit pf gameplay I knew it was a let down. They flopped it hard.


Man, compare the mechanical designs in Mechabellum which he's playing a lot now to the unit designs here...the former just dumps on this lol.
