This Is How We Fight Our Battles | Joseph Prince

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This excerpt is from: Five Words To Live By—The Battle Is The Lord’s (10 Jan 2016)
Get the full message:

What do you do when faced with a daunting challenge? Get the keys to winning the battle and possessing your blessings in this powerful message by Joseph Prince. See from the Scriptures how your battle belongs to the Lord, while your part is simply to feed on and rest in His Word and His love. Discover how to walk in your blood-bought victory and blessings, how easy God’s grace has made it for you, and how to have a spirit of faith in the midst of your trial that will cause you to win and come out stronger than ever!

0:00 Keys To Winning Any Battle: David And Goliath's Story
3:34 How To Fight The Good Fight Of Faith
5:55 Keys To Winning Any Battle: King Jehoshaphat's Story
8:09 When You Complain, You Remain
9:39 Testimony: Delivered From 50-Year Smoking Addiction
12:22 When You Hold Your Peace, God Fights For You!

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Excerpt Summary
0:00 Keys To Winning Any Battle: David And Goliath's Story
3:34 How To Fight The Good Fight Of Faith
5:55 Keys To Winning Any Battle: King Jehoshaphat's Story
8:09 When You Complain, You Remain
9:39 Testimony: Delivered From 50-Year Smoking Addiction
12:22 When You Hold Your Peace, God Fights For You!


My son has been going off track for ten months now. I said and did everything I could.when I heard your message, I handed the battle to Lord. today my son is home.thank you Jesus and pastor prince.


If you're reading this, God is turning every financial situation around for your good.


I smoked for 36 years and I had no idea how I would ever quit. One year at the Christmas candlelight service I gave my smoking habit to Jesus for His birthday gift and He took it and I have never craved since! Praise Jesus!


Jesus Christ healed me! This is my story about my healing!I was extremely ill! I had diabetes and kidney failure, which urgently requires dialysis! I prayed to God to heal me, not for me, because I don't deserve it, but for my little children, who were left without a mother! in exactly that day, in which I prayed, the Lord healed me! I suddenly felt the pain in my kidneys go away, as well as the dryness in my mouth (diabetes). I'm a new women now! I thank the Lord for His mercy and love for


Please pray that the Lord will raise up more preachers like Pastor Prince in churches to preach Christ-centred messages. 🙏 🙏🙏
There are many local churches but still looking for one that has the "spotlight" on Jesus! Not on magnifying sin and on man-works Sunday after Sunday 😢😢


I smoked for 25 years.
Yesterday I realized, that i havent celebrated my birthday nor Jesus birthday since 20 years.
Today I said to Jesus:"Happy birthday! I offer you my life and all of my heart as a gift."
Jesus said immediately:"Give me your e-cigarette"

I saw the e-cigarette in my hand and spoke:"today you will die"

In the next store i bought a nice gift box, put the ecigarette into it. And sent it to Jesus,
into the next garbage can.

No fight, he told me, i did, his fight!

I will give everything to him, and he will give me his love!


This was posted on my birthday. I remember the trial I was experiencing back then. For my current trial today, I will repeat the statement daily: "the battle is the Lord's". I'll hold my peace, God will fight for me. Labour to be more restful. Praise & be raised!


God bless you today who's reading this comment have a good day love you all praying for you're situations and needs today amen to that


the battle is no longer mine the the enemy trembles when our GOD step in u JESUS 🤗😍😘


Let's get this believers 24/7!!! God's people!!! We're gonna join together from all around the lands, in Christ, & walk out the victory in Jesus' defeat!!! This world is gonna know our Lord's Magnificent Love Light, with all if it's brilliance, to shine through us, Brightly, greatly & Loudly on this earth!!!


Thank you Abba!My son Johnzane have no fever anymore because of your Grace, Supernatural healing!This Battle is the Lord's!Amen!


Trust in the Lord. Not put confidence on man.
"I have said this to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. " John 16:33


The battle is yours' lord 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Amen 💯☦️


Every difficult situation I come across there is a sermon for it.


I had an addiction of fornication and lesbiansim but spme time back i heard a man of God preaching about giving the battle to the Lord and am now off that.. Amen


The Battle is the Lords I belive and receive my healing in Jesus Name


The smoking part was so touching! 😢🥲
One day the Lord will fully win over my addiction for me! ✝️
I've already gave him full control of my life for I could no longer fight it myself! ♥️


My brother has cancer and i felt as if i haven’t done enough had to do more for him and then hearing this ..just opened my eyes to just rest in you Jesus😢🙏🙌🏻


Lots of people . They didn't know the true gospel of Jesus Christ
And they say. I'm a sinner I'm a sinner. But God washed your all sins
