Entity Framework in UWP - Emotible - Part 3

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Continuing with where we left off with Emotible last time. Let's integrate a database into our app so that we can store the emoji and persist them between application life cycles. To do this, we'll be using the Entity Framework built for UWP. This will allow us to connect a new SQLite database that we will make to our application and allow us to handle both saving data to our database and reading it back out afterwards.

Unfortunately I may struggle with reading directions... a lot. Regardless of the troubles we'll figure this out and before this video is over we'll have a Universal Windows App that can save and load data from a SQLite database via the Entity Framework.

Trust me, it's not as hard as I make it look. Give it a try in your own projects for UWP, ASP.NET or any other C# or .NET application you may be developing.

If you are working in other languages look for tools similar to this such as Hibernate for Java. They really do make things a lot easier.

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Not sure what I was supposed to do after watching this ! You are basically going through the same stuff which I did, you just made a video of it !


I take a lot of incompatibility with uwp. Than i've installed version 3.1.21. So, when tried to use Entity Tools, to migrate i got "Startup project 'ConsoleTimeLine' is a Universal Windows Platform app. This version of the Entity Framework Core Package Manager Console Tools doesn't support this type of project". Can you help me please?


I got stuck at Add-Migration MyFirstMigration Packiage-Console Command.


Im curious to know if there is a way to update the table thru migration. Ex: I originally create a context with 2 Properties (ID, Name) I run the cmd 'Add-Migration MigrationAdd' and it adds it. Later on i want to add another two columns..So i go to the db context and add the two columns...how would i go about the migration automatically updating with the changes. If its even possible.


can i not do dataBase first . I lookd at how to do dataBase first and i dont see any way.