Mass Effect 3 - The Elcor Ambassador

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Hello Ghouls, Ghosts and Themlins,

This video is about helping the Elcor Ambassador on the Citadel. The missions covered are the Dekunna: Elcor Extraction side quest, as well as an alternative solution for the Dekunna: Code of the Ancients side quest.

While in the Citadel Embassies, the Ambassador is using a terminal just before the stairs leading to the Spectre Requisitions office and the Human Ambassador's office. When speaking with him, he describes the dire situation on his homeworld, Dekunna. He asks for our assistance in rescuing trapped soldiers and civilians in his home system in the Silean Nebula. He has tried pleading his case with others but all have refused to help. Our Paragon FemShep reassures the Ambassador that we will assist him and will leave for Dekunna as soon as possible.

Travel to the Silean Nebula to the Phontes system to find Dekunna. When scanning Phontes, it's actually on the moon of Dekunna, Oltan, that the survivors are trapped on. Scanning the moon will give you the Elcor Flotilla War Asset. When returning to the Citadel, speak with the Ambassador once more to finish this side quest. His response to your return is very sad.

If you've done the Dekunna: Code of the Ancients side quest before this one, leave the area via the elevator then return to the Ambassador to finish this quest instantly.

Thanks for watching and stay creepy!
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We also wanted to give a special shout out to Sunlight Defect for allowing us to use their music for our opening and closing theme! Thanks so much!
If you loved their music, please consider following Sunlight Defect here on YouTube:
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"Not... Enough..."
The fact that you can hear the grief on his voice to the point he didn't even need to especify is a kick in the gut.
