Fox News On Damage Control After “Baby Parts” Propaganda Campaign

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Fox hosts apparently got the memo that the Right was going into full-on defense mode over their tacit support and encouragement for anti-abortion extremism. Many Fox hosts were incredibly defensive about their rhetoric. Ana Kasparian (The Point) and John Iadarola (Think Tank), hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

"During a November 30 segment on Fox's The Kelly File, Kelly discussed whether videos released by the anti-choice Center for Medical Progress influenced the alleged gunman who attacked a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, killing three people and injuring others. Kelly criticized assertions that "rhetoric" stemming from the anti-choice videos drove the shooter. She also defended Fiorina's much-debunked claims that those who watch the videos would see "a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain."

Kelly conceded that Fiorina "made a claim ... that was a bridge too far" by "sort of meld[ing] two different sets of videos." But she added "in Fiorina's defense, she did not see on those tapes, because it didn't exist, the live fetus having its organs harvested. The reason the fetus wasn't alive is because it had just been killed by a Planned Parenthood doctor."

This is an outright falsehood. None of the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress show an abortion procedure, a fact even the group's founder David Daleiden admits. The Center for Medical Progress did misleadingly insert in one of their videos an unrelated image from a woman's stillbirth and a separate undated, unsourced video from an unknown miscarriage. Neither of the inserted materials had any connection to Planned Parenthood nor with abortion procedures.”*


The Young Turks December 1, 2015 Hour 1

Bill O’Reilly: Planned Parenthood Deserves Criticism Over “Baby Parts"

Andrea Tantaros: Liberals Indicting Entire Religion… Christian White Republicans

Fox News On Damage Control After “Baby Parts” Propaganda Campaign

Trump Attack Ad Portrays Obama As Unserious Clown... Seriously.


The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET.

Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)


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Рекомендации по теме

The abortion issue, at its core, is about controlling women -- just my opinion.


Why are so many pro-lifers pro death penalty.


It's 2015. Can't believe abortion is a hot topic to discuss in politics.

I stand with PP


damn, ana got passionate on that one. Nailed it.


Abortion is not a violent act. It's a medical procedure. It's not hard to tell the difference.


rhetoric is another name for propaganda and propaganda only exists for one purpose, to influence one to action. the sad part is Cenk predicted this a few months ago and he was able to do so because these people are predictable.


It's not an accident, Ana. When they paint a target on someone's picture, and later that person get shot in the head, that's not an accident. That's mission acomplished.


Here's a question about this abortion issue, if life begins at conception, should we be giving citizenship to those eggs at that specific time as well?


Ana unleashing a thermonuclear truth bomb.


Anna gives me so much life!!! I love when an intelligent person can come along and articulate everyone's frustrations and all the things we're screaming at the computer.
*throws roses*


The Young Turks know all about Sensationalistic News!


First, I love it when Ana goes off the chain.

This was a great segment. Ana nailed the climax and John brought it home. Great job, guys.


Well yeah, after the inevitability that one of your unstable viewers confuses your words about PP with the voices inside his head, you're going to want to do damage control, because it's not like this is the first time some lunatic has gone lone wolf on a target you've clearly established ad nauseam.  If I knew I was partly to blame for a multiple homicide (not that I'd ever face charges) I'D want to distance myself from that as soon as possible.  Leave it to Fox news and Conservatives to do that, and add the extra classy touch of blaming liberals for it, when we're the ones who were advocating FOR PP.


Of course it's the rhetoric. What else would it be? Telepathy? Body language? Signals from outer space?


But Muslims have to apologize for extremists...


Megyn Kelly.
I didn't even hear anything she said.


Just have to say I thought Ana was fantastic. Her fury shone.


when ana said she was going to calmly state her opinion but goes off right when she starts talking, i love her lol


Carly should drop out. Her hateful, fake ramblings at the CNN debate stokes the fire for this violence.


"Let's have an open and honest debate" so long as you say things Ana approves of.
