Why tolerance is not valuable | John F. Register, CSP | TEDxColoradoSprings

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Is tolerance the final state for social acceptance and social inclusion? Society might say yes. However, if I am tolerating another custom or culture, am I really in a space of hierarchical control? This talk focuses on moving beyond tolerance to the outcome people are truly desiring which is value and appreciation. John Register is a four-time track and field All-American and graduate of the University of Arkansas, he is a Gulf War Army Veteran, an amputee, and Paralympic Silver Medalist.

When he became an amputee he discovered some unconscious bias he had against people with disabilities. He tackled his bias head-on and has now become one of the most sought after disability and inclusion speakers in the world.

His humorous, at ease style of communicating, earned him a position to advise two U.S. Secretaries of State on Disability Foreign Policy; be featured on PAX television's "It's A Miracle" and be the primary founder of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committees Paralympic Military Sports Program.

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Love this John so thankful for you as a leader


Great message, John. Tolerance has become a term so overladen with politics and ideology that it's lost most of its value. In my inclusion keynote I come at it from a different angle -- how to accommodate others whose value system directly opposes our own. But you're addressing the more fundamental point of recognizing and correcting our own irrational biases, whether conscious or unconscious. Once we clear that hurdle, obstacles further down the track will become easier to negotiate. Well done!


I am impressed by John Register’s smooth communication style. He created a practical and compelling talk about Tolerance. I look forward to hearing John in the future. Excellent work!


That is brilliant.
Loved the amazing star
I loved the fact that tolerance is a higher goal loved the role play.
Highly impacting


The "dating scenario" really proved the point about tolerance. Thanks for expanding my thoughts and view. I guess I have some inner work to do. A great TedX talk.


This talk actually made me think about my own way of how I talk and respond to people. Tolerance is also to open your mind and looking beyond yourself and to accept the difference of being you. Tolerance to me is to accept the unknown and the may-what-could-be.
