Sida Development Talks: Health and biodiversity co-benefits for all

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11:00 Introduction
11:20 Key note addresses
11:40 Panel discussion part 1
12:00 Short break
12:05 Panel discussion part 2
12:40 Conclusions
12:50 End

Moderator: Anders Nordström, Ambassador Global Health, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Opening remarks
- Carin Jämtin, Director General, Sida
- Janine Alm Ericsson, State Secretary, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Opportunities and entry points to achieve health-biodiversity benefits
- Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
- Maria Neira, Director Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization

How nature can protect us from pandemics
- Bernard Bett, Team Leader One Health Research, Education and Outreach Centre in Africa hosted at the International Livestock Research Institute (video message)

Diversity in Biodiversity Luca Berardi, Activist, WWF Sweden Youth (video message)

Panel discussion: How can the development community act for the transformation needed to improve the human health and biodiversity nexus?
- Anna Tibblin, Secretary General, We Effect/Vi Agroforestry
- Davies Chitundu, Regional Advisor Human Rights, Swedish Embassy Lusaka, Sida
- Victor Galaz, Deputy Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Closing remarks
-Ulrika Åkesson, Lead Policy Specialist, Environment and Climate Change, Sida
- Sarah Thomsen, Lead Policy Specialist, Health and SRHR, Sida

The webinar will include interactive elements and a short break. It's free of charge and registration is open until we go live.

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