The 888 Portal Has Completely Shifted The Energy in This Divine Connection [Twin Flame Reading]

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I felt guided to share a reading for a specific group of people tonight on the evening of the 888 portal (Lion's Gate portal). This powerful energetic portal has completely shifted the energy in this divine connection. This may resonate as a twin flame reading or a soulmate reading for some. Please use your intuition and only take the messages that resonate. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

Recommended Subliminals: "Twin Flame 7 Chakra Clearing" [Twin Flames category] in the app. ♥︎

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮


𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
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Recommended Subliminals: "Twin Flame 7 Chakra Clearing" [Twin Flames category] in the app. ♥︎


Everything was spot on. I cannot settle for potential but I can love him unconditionally through his healing journey. In the beginning all I wanted was a relationship, but I have realized my attachment to an outcome was driving me towards inauthenticity in my actions. Now that I’m no longer attached to the outcome of a relationship, I see the purpose of our coming together. He has healed me so much through this process even though he has been hurting me because he’s hurt. Now I use my voice and speak my truth to him without fear of him leaving because I know I’ll always love him and we don’t need to be together for the love to be there. I’ve prayed countless times to God that He soften his heart enough to know that he is worthy of the love I’m giving him and I hope one day it’s reciprocated by him in the 3D, but I’m not counting on it. I’m living my life for me and I will continue to grow and prosper regardless. Thank you so much for your healing words. I’m so grateful for you, I feel seen.


I think I can speak for most of us..if not all of us as the collectives😩WE have been calling for this read during these times of uncertainty & you come running to us with CLARITY💯🥰 Much love to you Infinity, we all really are thee soul tribe💕💃🏾


Beautiful reading. The interesting part is that only on the night of 8th August, at around 1am, I spoke my intentions to my spirit guides that I cannot take responsibility for his healing. I don't hold any grudges or hard feelings towards him (and this is a deep soul connection, not a TF situation). I don't hold myself responsible to make him feet better by reaching out or trying to make his mood better, and I say it with love. My heart is open towards him and I'm neutral to the situation - it'll go whichever way it has to go. We've never let go of each other despite problems between us in the past. I know he's hurting and is disappointed but it's time for some deep introspection. I hope he finds the light. Thank you, Infinity!


Thank you for your love and support on this twin flame journey.


Right at 8p on the 888 portal! Perfect timing universe ✨️ 💖


Spot on! He called on 888. We hadn’t spoken in over a year, since he told me he didn’t want to marry his karmic and then married her. The conversation was both light hearted and deep at the same time, and we both got a lot off our plates. Everything you said is consistent with what’s going on here. My life has been super amazing these past few months, and now I do feel a lot lighter. Thank you as always for the confirmation and for this reading!


Okay now this is trippy. I have a very spiritual friend that read tarot cards for me once. It’s been the only time I ever felt an energy “wash” over me.

It’s been almost 2 years since then and I’ve been constantly on the search for a deeper understanding of this realm of the world we live in. And many things have happened in the real world that seem to prove the things I’ve learned.

This channel, oddly enough, has been the only channel that produces videos almost on the daily that hit the dot on whatever is happening in this period of my life. Ive only started watching recently and every time I come up a step spiritually, a video comes up that seems to summarize what I’ve been going through while even using the exact same string of words that have popped into my head.

It’s interesting to see how the more you dive into learning about energies you can see deeper into the subconscious collective.


Oh my gosh everyone!! Wasn’t this reading amazing?? I feel like Infinity was looking into my life! 😁This helped me soo much. 🥰


I’m setting boundaries and letting go of energy zappers. I walk alone!


Thank you, marriage in separation under the same roof, healing, trusting The Divine because I know a shift took place back in eclipse season.


Resonates to a T. Going through this now. Thank you for this. I’ll carrying on doing my work and sending them light and love as they work on themselves.


WOW when I mean to say SPOT ON I literally apologized for trying to heal them and I can FEEL the shift now my goodness infinity THANK YOU FOR THIS CLARITY I WAS MANIFESTING A READING FROM YOU TODAY TBH 👀😅🦁


My person stood me up three times this year. I expected it the first time but not the other two times. It honestly isn’t like him to do that, so I wondered if it was divine intervention. I decided that it was now time for me to step back as much as I possibly can and let him go through his healing process without me. I pray for his protection daily. 🙏🏽❤️

Edit: I forgot to mention that 5 of the letters mentioned spelled out my person’s last name. Thank you, Infinity, for the Lion’s Gate reading 🥰🙏🏽❤️


Thank you. It is so emotional and frustrating that he's needing to do this on his own. I get it!


Is this why I’m getting sad and apparently bawling my eyes.
Everyone around me is getting removed suddenly.
My twin left for his military, my parents left for their personal work commitments and brother left for his studies and I’m left alone with my karmic in the city where I grew up and now it feels as if I don’t know this place. I’m feeling soo overwhelmed, as I’m gonna throw up anytime.. but ik this is bound to happen. People, situations are being removed from my surroundings in such a way that it seems impossible at first.
I want to cry a lot, I’m missing everything, but I know I’m being progressed. This is scary, but it will take me somewhere..
Tysm infinity ❤


well wishes soul family 💚 thank you as always infinity !!


Your readings are always very crucial guidance for my life I’m truly grateful 🙏🏻


Today is my birthday.

Let me just say: the apathy part is SPOT ON.
Glad I got to hear this. Thank you for the birthday gift. Spot. On.


Thank You For This Information 💚💚💚💚🦅🦅🦅🦅
