How the Spirit Convicts the World – John 16:1-15

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N.T. Wright, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of St. Andrews - Gordon College Chapel - Wednesday April 25, 2018
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Fantastic teaching. God’s judgement of the world is not to condemn, but to uphold His righteousness in the world. We are ambassadors of His Kingdom, filled with His Spirit, to do His will and to express His righteousness and justice through our actions and words.


NT wright is a systematic teacher of the bible. I respect the man.


There are so many opportunities for the Church to step in where governments and institutions have failed.
1. We can start businesses and provide employment for the unemployable.
2. We can demonstrate class and racial egalitarianism among ourselves and in institutions we control.
3. We can provide for the poor and homeless.

Great message.


Apology on behalf of the person who wrote before. You are such an inspiration to us who are seeking the Truth to live by in this broken and fragmented world. God Bless you and may the Spirit of God bless you and keep you as touch our lives in your obvious love for Christ.


Galatians 6 : 7 - 9 " Don't deceive yourselves ; no one can make a fool of God ; whatever a man sows this he will reap. He who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap Life eternal."


This is a teaching on how Christendom is to mount the beast. Awesome.


Amen. This message was a blessing and galvanizing


Clearly explains how the Holy Spirit uses a Spirit-led Christian to convict the world of Sin, Justice and Judgment. Was very helpful in understanding the Scripture.


Justice is that those with an inch of "fully humanness" actually going over to their actual neighbours who are "less than fully human", and sharing their humanness with them, eating with them, washing their feet, regardless of all their faults, political views, self inflicted misery, racism, bigotry, etc.

The oposite of this is getting some sort of righteous feelings for voting correctly, for being in the right side, for protesting the correct things, etc.

In the end, it is actually about personal experience, but such that we are concerned with our neighbours inner life as much as our own. Most of the time, attempting this makes one simply realise that one isn't so fantastically "human", after all, whereupon one can take comfort that the weak in spirit are blessed, because now one discovered that was actually talking about oneself and not some mysterious group of weaklings out there who are blessed in mysterious ways, just as most of the things Jesus says. One is now blessed because one now knows one cannot do this oneself, but need to trust in God, and that by small everyday good works that go unnoticed, throught the power of the spirit, shall be multiplied by the Spirit. The world will be renewed, but not by our design, but through our unnoticed works, by the Spirits design.


Encouraging words. Sharp wisdom we need to confront injustice in society around us. But as you correctly pointed several times I hide behind my personal bhakti [faith and spirituality] overwhelmed think about my limitations. However your conclusion gave the clear direction. Thanks 🙏👍


I understand that the supposed gift of tongues that pass for languages ​​is a controversy in some churches. I also understand that Dr Wright wants to condescend to what some would use reprimand for not taming the tongue and the disorder in general. Being liked by the public is one thing, being in harmony with the Creator is another.


We are not essential for the Sublime Wind, however, by virtue of God's filiation with his children, an interaction occurs that results in our benefit and that of all humanity.


Just be kind to each other, Love those on the margins.


Yes Jesus is my Lord and my God. Thank you Jesus for Marrying me and Coming into me with your Resurrected Holy Spirit, Fathering me into your son! As it is written!


How does the judgment of Satan convince or convict sinners that they are going to be judged? John 16:11
If as powerful a being as Satan has been judged, then we weak human beings will be judged by God.


Got to minute 8 and confused as to why Mr Wright says " in SOME translations, "justice" is translated as 'righteousness'" .... a quick comparison of translations shows clearly NO english translations do. The word is righteousness. So why is Mr Wright changing the word to suit his message? I am genuinely asking


So that, by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us can have strong encouragement, which have as an anchor of life, firm and secure, making entrance into the inner area of the veil, where a forerunner has entered for us, Jesus, having become high priest throughout the eon, in line with the order of Melchizedek -Hebrews 6/18-20
The innermost Sanctuary is inside the veil speaking of veil
2 Corinthians 3/13...the outcome of what was being done away with.
14 But their thoughts were hardened, for until today the same covering remains unlifted at the reading of the old covenant, which is being done away with in Christ. (Notice being done away with doesn't say it's done) 15 But to this day when Moses is read, the covering lies over their heart.(Law of 2 or 3 men -Job 33/29, a veil remains over hearts when Jesus is read, thoughts are hardened, don't agree read the top Hebrews passage again) 16 but whenever one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. (Speaking of the Moses veil in verse 16 but I suppose same principle could apply)

Hebrews 8/1 Now, in summary over things being spoken: we have such a high priest(Jesus) who sat down at the right hand of the governmental seat of the Majesty in the heavens, 2 [Jesus is] a servant of the innermost Sanctuary(2nd veil), and of the true Tent that the Lod pitched, and not man.

9/11 Christ, though, having become high priest of the good things coming, by the superior and more perfect Tabernacle(himself Jesus) made not by hand, that is, not of this creation, 12 nor by blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, entered [2nd veil] once and for all into the innermost Sanctuary[2nd Tabernacle which Jesus is a servant of 8/1-2], having obtained age-enduring redemption(the one behind the veil)

9/1 Then even the first did indeed have judicial requirements of divine service and the furnished Sanctuary.[Jesus] 2 For a first Tabernacle [Jesus] was constructed, in which were both the lampstand(I am the light of the world - Jesus) and table(John 6/55 For my flesh most truly is food and my blood most truly is drink), and the setting out of the loaves (John 6/58 This is that bread come down from Heaven, not comparable to how your fathers ate the manna and died. He who eats this bread will live throughout the eon.'), which is called the Sanctuary [Jesus].
3 And after the second veil,
(remember Moses put a coving on his face a veil, just got told after the second veil Speaking of the Sanctuary made not by hands Jesus so there is a veil with Jesus the forerunner servant of the innermost Sanctuary)
came a Tabernacle (new high priest order of Melchizedek "HAVING BECOME" heb 6/20)
called the innermost Sanctuary, 4 having the golden censer, and the Ark of the Covenant (that's what's inside the second veil the Ark of the Covenant ie the King!)
overlaid in every part with gold, in which there was a golden pot holding the manna (the blood of Jesus -John 6/53-54), and the rod of Aaron which budded, and the tablets of the covenant (Habakkuk 2/2), 5 and above it the keruvim of glory overshadowing the Mercy Seat, (Psalm 80/1 Hive ear, oh Shepherd of Israel, You Who lead Joseph like a flock; You Who sit between the keruvim, shine!)
concerning which it is not now the time to speak in detail. (Because Joseph the high priest of Melchizedek wasn't here yet at time of writing Hebrews)

Hebrews 9/8 - Holy Spirit signifying this - the way into the innermost Sanctuary (Joseph behind the veil when Jesus is read)
not yet to have been brought to light [manifested, here] while the first Tabernacle [Jesus] was still standing.

John 16/7 'But I speak the truth to you. It is to your advantage that I should go away, for if I do not go away the Counsellor cannot come to you. But if I depart, I will send him to you.
8 'And when he comes, he will make the facts known to the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgement: 9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; 10 concerning righteousness because I am going away to my Father and you will behold me no more; 11 and concerning judgement, because the ruler of this world has been condemned. 12 'I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them just now. 13 But when thatvone comes, the Spirit of Truth, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will speak not from his own initiative, but whatever things he hears he will speak, and he will announce to you the things coming. 14 He will glorify me, for he will receive from what is mine, and he will announce it to you. 15 All things, whatever the Father possesses, are mine. On account of this I said that he receives from what is mine and he will announce it to you.

Joseph is the Most set apart One, I don't blame you if you don't believe me, cause, you don't believe Jesus either! If Joseph where to be translated to heaven and not be killed all of you would perish eternally, it takes 2 sacrifices for atonement see Hebrews 9/14-18

9/21 In addition, he likewise sprinkled with blood both the Tabernacle and all the equipment of the service. 22 And, in agreement with the law, almost everything has to be purified by blood, and without shedding of blood there is to be no forgiveness. 23 It was necessary, then, for the representations of the things in the heavens to be cleansed by these, but the heavenly things themselves by better[2] sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ did not enter into the innermost Sanctuary made by hands[without hands when it is brought to light future from when written], antitypes of the true things, but into Heaven itself, now to appear on our behalf in the presence of God. 25 Nor was it so that he should offer himself repeatedly, in the way the high priest enters into the innermost Sanctuary year by year by the blood of another, (John 6/53-54) 26 since it would have been necessary for him to have suffered repeatedly since the foundation of the world, but now, once, towards the completion of the Eons, he has been revealed for the abolishing of sin through the sacrifice of himself. 27 And just as it is destined for men to die once and, after this, judgement, 28 so also Christ[messiah, doesn't say Jesus Christ you just have a veil and read Jesus into that part of text], having been offered once to bear sins of many, will be brought to light a second time without sin, to those assiduously waiting it out for him for salvation.

10/29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be considered deserving who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and esteems as profane the blood of the covenant in which he(Joseph) was set apart, and has insulted the spirit of merciful goodwill?
Genesis 49/22-26


You forgot to mention that the first Christians forsook ALL AND CAME TOGETHER


'Justice has been bent to suit the powerful'. I think Marx and his followers would also have a view on that!


Mahatma Ghandi said:" He who says that religion has nothing to do with politics, does not understand religion."
