Whats So Special About 3D Printed Fidget Slugs?

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The mecca of all 3D printed products, the Articulated Fidget Slug. Find this engineering marvel available on Angled.

The 3d printing world has been taken over by the iconic fidget slug, but this is more than a fun little toy for kids, it is an engineering masterpiece. The fact that these slugs can come straight off a print bed and wiggle around, while still remaining connected, shows how truly amazing 3d printers are. It has never been possible to manufacture a product like this without the need for post-production assembly. With 3d printing, designs like this can feature complex hinge mechanisms that offer full range of motion, without ever needing to assemble the final product. Just one small example of the many ways that 3d printed products can change the world.

About Angled

Our mission is to provide on-demand products through 3D printing farms to help consumers find unique, novelty items and empower designers to create products with ease to maximize their success. We strive to be one of the first companies to harness the true power of 3D printing.

Angled is striving to pave the way for large scale 3D printing for the consumer. Angled helps designers capture their ideas so that the consumer can hold them in their hand. We believe that someone with an idea should always be able to make it into a reality.
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