From Darkness to Light | Release Emotional Trauma | Meditation

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Welcome to a transformative meditation music experience designed to help you release emotional trauma, embrace forgiveness, and experience unconditional love. This carefully crafted meditation music will guide you on a journey, allowing you to release negativity. It will support this journey, empowering you to reclaim your life and open your heart to love and happiness.

Emotional trauma can leave us feeling broken and disconnected from ourselves and others. It is essential to fix this and work towards living a fulfilling and joyful life. In this meditation session, you will find the strength to overcome emotional trauma as we explore the power of forgiveness and unconditional love.

By letting go of resentment and negativity, we create space for love and compassion, allowing ourselves to move forward with a renewed sense of peace and inner harmony. Embrace the transformative power of forgiveness and allow yourself to release emotional negativity.

Unconditional love is the ultimate gift we can give ourselves and others. This meditation music will help you tap into the depths of your heart, connecting you with the wellspring of unconditional love that exists within. As you experience this profound love, you will find the strength to overcome emotional trauma and embrace a life of joy and compassion.

The benefits of overcoming emotional trauma, practicing forgiveness, and experiencing unconditional love are immense. They include, but are not limited to:

- Improved mental and emotional well-being
- Increased resilience and inner strength
- Enhanced self-esteem and self-acceptance
- Deepened connections with others
- Greater inner peace and tranquility
- The ability to live in the present moment without being hindered by the past

Join us on this journey with this relaxing meditation music, and allow the transformative power of this music to guide you to a place of emotional recovery, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Experience the profound benefits of overcoming emotional trauma and reclaim your life with inner peace and joy.

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Welcome to a transformative meditation music experience designed to help you release emotional trauma, embrace forgiveness, and experience unconditional love. This carefully crafted meditation music will guide you on a journey, allowing you to release negativity. It will support this journey, empowering you to reclaim your life and open your heart to love and happiness.

Emotional trauma can leave us feeling broken and disconnected from ourselves and others. It is essential to fix this and work towards living a fulfilling and joyful life. In this meditation session, you will find the strength to overcome emotional trauma as we explore the power of forgiveness and unconditional love.

By letting go of resentment and negativity, we create space for love and compassion, allowing ourselves to move forward with a renewed sense of peace and inner harmony. Embrace the transformative power of forgiveness and allow yourself to release emotional negativity.

Unconditional love is the ultimate gift we can give ourselves and others. This meditation music will help you tap into the depths of your heart, connecting you with the wellspring of unconditional love that exists within. As you experience this profound love, you will find the strength to overcome emotional trauma and embrace a life of joy and compassion.

The benefits of overcoming emotional trauma, practicing forgiveness, and experiencing unconditional love are immense. They include, but are not limited to:

- Improved mental and emotional well-being
- Increased resilience and inner strength
- Enhanced self-esteem and self-acceptance
- Deepened connections with others
- Greater inner peace and tranquility
- The ability to live in the present moment without being hindered by the past

Please rate the video with a like or dislike, whether you enjoyed it or not. Please communicate with me! I'd love to hear about your experience with the video, and any criticism is more than welcome!


It’s amazing how these tones and sounds speak better than the actual words. Just shows Music is it’s own language and this one translated to me says “ your going to be okay, you and your brain and mind deserves to feel good and I’m here to make you feel that way to feel Good so feel good.”


This is truly amazing music. It has such a calming and peaceful energy that easily helps to release deep held emotions and trauma. The combination of deeply relaxing tones and peaceful ambiance make this perfect for mediation, relaxation and sleep. 💗🙏🏻


the drawings of the previews are beautiful, they are beautiful like you who read my comment. Thank you for being on this planet with me to bring humanity to a new renaissance...HELLO GREETINGS FROM ITALY....CIAO saluti dall'Italia


Greetings! The moment, time, to be alive. So much aligned to the moment, the gift. One love is here, for you and I. Blessings.


I am a rapid transformational therapy hypnotherapist and love your videos. I recommend to all my clients


the hans zimmer of out of body energy meditation and healing music!


I'm impressed with your thumbnail art as always 😽😽😽

Thank you for posting 😸😸😸


Beautiful. Thank you! Namaste! 😎👍🙏🏻🌹


ES preciosa Anthony! Enhorabuena y gracias por regalarnos ésta música que da bienestar a nuestras células.


We shall all die one day, some have died before us, some will die after us, but are you willing to die every day? Every morning is your new life with no recollection of the past, not a blissful ignorance nor a stroke of luck amnesia, but simply freedom in the truest sense, freedom from illusion and delusion. What you see in front of you under a veil of illusion is not Reality. That person over there this person over here, you have been wearing the veil of separation for quite some time and it’s time for you to expose it. You’ve brought this idea with you throughout your life and it has lived day in and day out unbeknownst to you, it’s time for its death, you must wake up for its imminent demise. Look into the vastness of the ocean, each wave has its perfect place. The waves appear to be separate yet they are not just a part of the ocean, they are the ocean. Look around at this world full of people and don’t view them as a wave in the ocean, view them as the ocean, which you are a part of. Don’t listen to the voice in your head saying that is ridiculous or that can’t be true, where did that controlling voice come from anyway? Do you control your life or do clumps of judgemental thoughts you’ve picked up from somewhere outside of the real you control your life? It’s time for that to die, but you must wake up first. Has someone hurt you in the past? Have you been betrayed or hold hatred in your heart? If you died every day you would not know. That does not mean to say yes to abuse or to be taken advantage of, but it means to let go, forgive, and walk the path of the present moment without the baggage that has stopped you from living.

On the other hand, have you betrayed someone? Does someone hold hatred in their heart towards you for something that happened in the past? It’s time for that to die. This is your opportunity to grow from the things in life that you may not be proud of or hold a mountain of guilt within yourself for. Know that forgiving yourself is the first step into freedom, forgiveness is your key to unlock the prison that you have decorated so beautifully with suffering and pain. The new you is born every morning, not the old self strung together in guilt of past memories, these memories are yours to do with as you please. These memories can show you the path to love by allowing them to be signs pointing you to unconditional love, they are showing what you need to grow within yourself, to show you what you may be lacking but have never not had. Whatever you believe the world is withholding from you, you are withholding it from the world. If the world is always against you, you are always against the word. If you search for an abundance of love, give an abundance of love to everyone you will ever come in contact with.

You do not have to achieve anything to become who you are or want to be, you just need to realize you have always been it. You have been born a grandiose being that is an essential part of the portrait of love in this world. You are The One, I am The One, because We are The One. Why are you waiting to become something you have always been? Do you enjoy your jail cell that much? And if perhaps the answer is a reluctant yes, who is answering that question? Not You, the real You would never lie down in a puddle of misery while an ocean of love is at an arm's length away. You must become aware of your contentment with misery, your contentment with judgements and prejudices that has taken you nowhere except further into the shadows of darkness. Each time you allow one of these conditioned patterns to die you allow more and more light to shine through. Once the shadows are behind you, you will then realize the shadows were not real and had nothing to do with you. When the awareness of the real you becomes seen, you will see the world for what is it. People are not just people, they are a part of you. It is only through each other we are able to see who we really are, you are me, I am you, without one another we are nothing. Die every day to be born into truth and awake as the real You. Become love and become free, share this freedom with the world every day you wake up a new you.

I love you.


Thank you cosmos thank you universe thank you creator God 🙏 bless as all well yes thank you


Какая красивая и светлая заставка благодарю!❤


This video is a great thing to watch in the morning or before bed. It helps me start my day in a good mood and end a tiring day in a relaxing way


GORGEOUS colors and patterns. One of your very BEST imo.


Another beautiful creation, thank you so much! This is more of whats good in the


Beautiful. This healed me today. Thank you. Xxx


I'm looking forward to this for tonight. 👏❤️


En tout cas un grand merci pour cette vidéo si efficace❤❤❤


У вас хорошая музыка, пусть она поможет всем в достижении целей, с которыми они ее слушают❤
