Can Sith Use the Light Side of The Force - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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Darth Revan was a Sith that could use both the Light Side and Dark Side without becoming Weakened... I know it's now considered Legends but I still view Revan as a True Master in both a Light and Dark sides of the Force


short anwser: in legends yes sith can use light side but on canon nope

"Take them, take my teachings to the sith. They will find a power there, but a different kind, not darkness, but light." - Kel'eth Ur
that is only sith on legends who had a name and solely used light side, that quote was taken from his interactive hologram about 1000 years after his death at the hands of Vitiate.


Who here would love a Revan spin off trilogy or even a Knights of the old republic trilogy.


Revan in the thumbnail and no mention of him.


Do What if Ahsoka joined Darth Vader at the end of Season 2 of Rebels #Suggestion


Possible theory as to why the Jedi seem better able to wield the other side of the force. I believe it could stem from emotion, rather than the force itself. The Jedi work hard to control their emotions and to not let their emotions fuel them, so when some Jedi tap into the dark side, if they can maintain their emotional control, they get the power boost of using both sides of the force, without loosing their stance as a Jedi. However a Sith relies of their negative and aggressive emotions to fuel them. So if they were to take a step towards the light, they will be influenced by the more peaceful and serene light side. Unlike the Jedi, the Sith are slaves to their emotions and as such cannot compensate for their change in emotional state. If the Sith were to control their emotions, they are no longer a Sith and have instead moved into Grey Jedi territory.


Well, from a purely conceptual level, a berserker who has their rage calmed is going to be less effective as a berserker, while a monk who flies into a furious rage can still do a lot of damage.

I think that the actual, cannonical answer however lies in how one learns to tap into the powers of the light and dark side respectively. The light side is a harder path, taking dedication and control, while the dark side is powered by the sheer passion of the individual. If you already know how to use the force, then all those skills carry over into using the Dark side. Your passions might be directing your actions now, but you still HAVE all that skill and precision that you have learned over the years. Meanwhile, if you are trained just to plunge deeper and deeper into the Darkness, a skillset where furious passion is more important than control, those skills don't translate into using the light side.

This is why Jedi who fall to the Dark side tend (on average) to be stronger than Sith who were always Sith.

It's also why the few, like Revan, who mastered BOTH Light and Dark, using that pure passion but controlling it with discipline rather than letting in control you, are much more powerful than either.


Only the high ground can use the light side and dark side


This makes sense if you think about it. Good can have righteous anger, but evil can't really love.


Even i like to roleplay

I must be Frank


Being a light Sith is like a single stuffed Oreo, it just isn't right.


I recall reading somewhere about a Sith Lord of the Rule of Two who had intended to remake the Order of the Sith to follow the Light; when his Apprentice caught him destroying Sith artifacts and knowledge she killed him with her bare hands and took his place as the Master of the Sith Order but much knowledge of the Sith had been lost by the actions of her master


As always a great video. Oddly I find the background music you added on your recent video distracting from the story you are telling. It makes it harder to concentrate on your narrative.


personally i feel like it was only revan, utilizing the defensive mindset of the jedi and the power of the dark, but he never felt comradery when leaning towards one or the other, i feel like he felt the balance, and that the force is one, but the people using it who guide its influence


What kind of powers does the light side grant? Besides the high ground


I like light sith they are interesting


Very good video, and the background music makes the video even MORE impactful😏🙄.


Loved the music in this one. I wouldn't listen to it solely but it just fits perfect with your voice and the video


I think the fact that Jedi through sheer training and discipline can attain power through the light makes it so they're better suited to draw from both, most of the time the sith have no discipline nor self control that's why they tend to get consumed by the dark side.

Also the Dark side seems more like an increase in raw power, while the light is more utilitarian like defensive barriers and healing, and given the fact that many light side powers are still usable by a dark side user makes it so there is basically no drawback from being a light side user who spices things up with a little bit of darkness.


Darth Bane was implied to have the knowledge to use force heal when his armor started taking a toll on his body, but he decided not to and seethed in the pain to strengthen his connection to the dark side
