Aisha: 'With OISE I can change the world’

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Aisha Khaja's parents moved to Canada to give her a better education. Thanks to Aisha's studies at OISE at the University of Toronto, today, she's working to give others a better life. She hosts a talk show about religion, founded Charity Week Canada and has also worked in Aboriginal Affairs.

Watch the video above to learn how Aisha's research in Leadership and Higher Education helped give her the tools to succeed.
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لأ أله ألأ ألله محمد ألرسول ألله صلی ألله علیه وسلم


What the heck that, u can change the world, i do not believe this.


She's not a Native. How is she working in Aboriginal Affairs? And how is her religion compatible with Native beliefs?

Her parents moved her here because Canada actually offers girls education. But she's showing us that she does not want to assimilate by wearing that hijab. Do you want Canada, or an Islamic Canada? You can't have both. I'm sure your talk show about religion is all about how Islam is a religion of peace and how girls should wear the hijab.

Funny, that. In your native country, the women would like to be able to be free of it. Go to a Western nation and you sound a different tune.
