Atheists Are Helping with Hurricane Disaster Relief

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Atheists Are Helping with Hurricane Disaster Relief


A few years ago, tornadoes devastated parts of Oklahoma. I think a lot of atheists remember the aftermath of that disaster in particular because CNN's Wolf Blitzer interviewed a woman in the middle of the wreckage and asked her if she thanked God that she survived. And she responded, "I'm actually an atheist."

Here's something else that you might not remember: Time magazine ran a cover story about the relief efforts in Oklahoma. And reporter Joe Klein said in his piece that it was “funny how you don’t see organized groups of secular humanists giving out hot meals” at ground zero. The sarcasm wasn’t appreciated since he completely ignored all the volunteer work done and donations made by atheist groups that were helping people in the wake of the disaster.

It's happening all over again in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. I saw a letter to the editor even ask straight-up: How come no atheists are helping out in Houston? We know there are Christian groups doing relief work. Maybe not Joel Osteen's church, but a lot of others! So what about atheists?

There are so many ways to respond to this…

One answer is that you’re not going to see as many atheist groups because we don't pressure members to give us 10% of their income and don’t have the sort of infrastructure that allows us to pool resources quickly for relief efforts. But that's a flimsy excuse. There are plenty of people helping out who don't have lots of money at their disposal.

Another answer is that there ARE a lot of atheists helping out with relief efforts, but they’re doing it out of the goodness of their hearts and don’t feel the need to broadcast their lack of religion in the process. It’s not like every godless volunteer is wearing a shirt that says, “God didn’t cause this hurricane!”

But you know what? There are organized atheist groups collecting money for relief efforts and there are open atheists helping people on the ground. And I know that because I actually looked for them.

Let me give you a brief rundown of what some atheist groups are doing for victims of Hurricane Harvey. And I'm only talking about Harvey because, as I make this video, it's too soon for me to give you details about relief for Irma.

Foundation Beyond Belief has been raising money from atheist donors since the hurricane hit. The first group to receive a check from them is All Hands Volunteers, a non-profit that assists with disaster recovery. At least one more group will be receiving funds as well.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s charity agency, Nonbelief Relief, donated $10,000 to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. They’re also “collecting hygiene and cleaning products and donations” to give to a local Boys and Girls Club working with their national organization to help people in Houston.

The Humanists of Houston are coordinating relief efforts with their members.

Members of Houston Oasis were cleaning strangers’ homes and serving food at shelters. They’re still accepting donations and volunteers for relief efforts.

The South Texas Atheists for Reason have volunteered at a diaper bank and announced that they plan to “adopt” a family, providing them with whatever resources they need to get through this difficult time.


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Glad someone finally said it. I personally know dozens of atheists here in Texas who have visited Houston just to assist relief efforts. And you're right, none of them have announced that they're doing so to make atheism look good. Their own compassion was their only motivation.


I'm an atheist and I signed up with the red cross to help in Texas but was sent to Orlando for two weeks. I was in 3 shelters inside churches and one lady questioned me what was I doing in a church, I told her that I was doing humanitarian volunteer work in a building, she didn't say anything after that.


Fun fact: The Red Cross, which is probably the first charity organization that comes to mind for most people, is a secular organization.


I'm glad at least SOME people actually help instead of praying all day


You know you're early to an atheist video when there are no dislikes from Christians


I am proud of those atheists helping with relief .
That is great .

Pat Robertson did the same thing many times and all of you atheists should also be proud of him, and i don't think he asked for 10 percent of their income .
Atheists have to realize that Christians do not give their 10 percent to the Pastor, we give it to God .

And another thing Hemant said, he just about called atheists secularists .
, which is a false statement .
Atheism is not secularism .

Again, i completely congratulate the atheists who are helping with relief and i urge more people to help with their time and their prayers, which work, no matter what Annie Gaylor says and lies about prayer not working .
As a Pastor, i have seen prayer work for the good in people"s lives thousands of times .
Annie Gaylor can put that into her arrogant, smirky, lying big mouth and smoke it !

Jesus is the truth and he is alive today .


I wish people would just look and try to find good in stuff.
Pretty much EVERYONE thinks Atheists are bad but really they are not.


I think he meant to say that when ATHEISTS do charitable or philanthropic works, THEY do not ADVERTISE their atheism out loud while they're at it like many Christian organizations do. And I do know what he means. Christians often use THEIR organizations (their hospitals, soup kitchens, relief services, charity services, and the sort) to PROMOTE THEIR RELIGION in the process, even putting the word "Christian" in the VERY TITTLES of their organizations (you'll notice), while atheists don't DO THAT in the same way.


The main reason these christians are helping is for their own benefit, so they get to go to 'heaven'. Atheists do it to help others and be nice people


My opinion is if we all became atheists, the world would be a better place .


Thanks for the group names I'm a agnostic looking for groups. love this guy


Whole Florida is highly affected by hurricane. My friend lives over there 😢


As an born atheist I see ne reason to be in any Atheist Group, if a church help people I can jump in to help them without saying what religion or not I have, but I am a Swede and here is atheists accepted and we are cultural Christian, we go to church, we celebrate xmas and we get an Christian burial, but we do not believe in God, If we can worm togheter without need compare ideologies and believe we had been able to do more.


the christian radio station in my area went on for like 10 min about how much the church is helping and then sarcastically said "thanks atheists for all your help"


Not pun intended, but JESUS CHRIST, why the hell does it matter what someone's religion is in terms of them helping out? I really don't get people who say "All Atheists are selfish and none of them help out". I also don't get it when Atheists say that all Christians, just as one example, are petty and looking for a fight. People! You want to help out? Quit attacking one another and actually do something productive. That's directed at anyone with the views I mention above. The flag-waving needs to go on hiatus during crises like these. It's bullshit.


Love the content. Very truthful video.


I love these videos, don't stop.


Wow I never realized people asked this question. I volunteer all the time for different things, make donations, and help my neighbors without having to scream that I am an atheist while doing it.


You will be blessed in every way, and you will be able to keep on being generous


Some. People are just nuts... I live in Beaumont as an atheist I helped out... However for me personally it's because I work for the city so. I helped evacuate people and etc... But there are numerous groups of. People here atheist, Muslim, hindu and more... And you saw them all out helping... Citizens were out with their boats helping others out in. Port Arthur vidor and etc. Some folk just use their religion to divide but when all. That was going on nobody cared about their god in the midst it's only those on the outside and others with sick minds thinking god was punishing us for whatever...
I've heard people here say it happened because we started having pride parades, and some say it's because of corruption and crime... Some folk are just sick in the head and heart.
