Achieving the SDGs: A Deep Dive in Successes, Challenges and Way Forward

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The 2021 Oxford Business Forum Africa, hosted by the Oxford Africa Business Alliance on 7 & 8 May.

With the SDGs in sight, the narrative for Africa is shifting from one of “deficits” and “gaps” to one of prospects, opportunities, ventures and creativity. This session consisting of implementation partners and funders will explore successes, challenges, and what strategies are needed to continue to effectively move forward for SDGs taking into account the evolving complex environment.

Gargee Ghosh - President, Global Policy & Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Dr. Yogan Pillay - Country Director of South Africa, Clinton Health Access Initiative
Annie Wakanyi - Director of Partnerships & Business Development, One Acre Fund
Chido Chigwedere - Co-Director of Outreach, Oxford Africa Business Alliance

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