Let’s Pick My Favorite Book From Each Shelf in My Library

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I saw some people on BookTok picking their favorite book from a single shelf in their library, and I thought it would be fun to do that on a bigger scale: pick a favorite book from EVERY shelf in my library and then pick an ultimate favorite from that pile.

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What I loved about this video is that it was a tour of your bookshelves and subconsciously, I was comparing the contents of your shelves aga8nst mine. The problem I have in making a decision is governed by my particular mood of the day. If I did the same exercise tomorrow, I might find that I would come up with different shelf favourites and an overall winner. Books do that to people. Two or more people will read the same book and probably two or more people will have a different opinion of the book and what they actually got out of it. One interesting point, I would not get anywhere near as much fun do8ng the same exercise of those books that are on my e-reader. Books need to be touched, smelt and their covers looked.


I don’t think I could do an elimination round for my shelves. I find it so hard to pick one favorite over another. Props to you for being objective/analytical about your choices.


Omg! This is the craziness I am here for! I go thru my Apple TV movies and decide which is my fav in each row all the time. It I pretend like I’ll never be able to watch the others ever again. So it’s… IMAGINARY Lol


I loved this video. Maybe you can do a version where you pick out from your shelves your top books haven't read but want to get soon to and then pick a book out of that pile that you are going to read next


What a fun challenge to pick a favorite from each of your shelves! However, it does present a problem to me by adding to my ever growing TBR pile! I have thrifted some of the books already so I need to make a Greg's Recommendations and Favorites Shelf! I really enjoy the content you create for us bookish fans. I hope you and husband are enjoying your travels through Italy


❤I’m so happy that EM Forster Maurice won. I haven’t read it yet but the writing in Howard’s and excites me for his other books. Wonderful video


I love this idea. Your powers of decision are admirable. I would just get stuck or start cheating. Again I am reminded that I need to order The Secret Lives of Church Ladies!


Glad 'Maurice' won. Objectively best book would make for another good video, but I enjoy the personal stories that go with favorites.

But the video I really want to see is your 2023 Books I Already Own Ultimate TBR List--whittled down to one book obviously. Maybe in 2024 it could be two books. : )


Hi Greg, I love the sound of music reference. Yay for musicals and favorite books. Oh another sound of music reference, these are a few of my favorite things. Aloha


I love this idea! However, Lonesome Dove is literally my favorite book of all time so if it was anywhere on my shelves it would just automatically win. I'd have to take it out of the running, maybe.


What a most delightful and suspenseful video. What a great time going through your bookshelf and picking out your favorite!!! Thanks for the fun entertainment.


This is my favorite book video ever! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! It was like watching a thrilling movie :). I loved how you picked several one's from each shelf (I wrote them all down), and then did the battle...ha! Did you know Maurice is the only Forster I've never read, and I am going straight to the Library to finally read the dang book! I love Forster, he is one of my top authors of all time. A passage to India would be my fave of his, thus far. And don't apologize for loving Catcher in the Rye, it was my fave book in high school too, and I re-read it often as well. The voice of Holden will remain with me always. I wanted to name my son Holden, but my husband said NO. Even though we can objectively acknowledge good writing, the heart feels the writing, and when a books impact has stuck with you this long...it doesn't matter what the critics say! Cheers, so well done :)


I admire people with unread and read books on the same shelf! I can’t do it! 😅 That was a fun video!


PS I love the manual for cleaning Woman by Lucia Berlin


Ooh I need to read Fun Home! Still gotta read Rubyfruit Jungle. Can't believe you shafted Toni Morrison!! 😱


Lol, love the Sound of Music references there at the start!


This is now one of my All-Time Favorite Greg Videos. Could you hear me shouting? I was equal parts trying to guess your picks and root for the ones I wanted you to choose. ("Train Dreams, Greg! TRAIN DREAMS!!!") The drama of watching you whittle down to an all-time fave was very tense. You didn't really think that through but you made it work. (I loved you working out the passing of the torch from Catcher in the Rye to Maurice). I thought for sure you were going to present the pile as a TBR or a current collection of favorites that you might revisit year after year, like your look-backs to your hauls over the years. Perhaps a lot less of a nail biter, but way easier on you! 😉

Enjoying following you and Joel around Italy on Instagram. Looks like you're having a magical time. It's hard not to, in Italy!



I absolutely LOVED this video and the idea behind it. It was a book shelf tour AND somewhat of a fave books of all time video! An awesome combo. I also loved hearing from you on why each choice was personal for you. So good!


That was a really fun video to watch! I've never seen that cover of P&P - love the ghost Darcy 😂


This is such a fun video and a great concept! I would love to do this with my nonfiction shelves. Also, I clearly need to read Maurice!
