life and death ☉ lady sybil

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I do not know why I made this, because it simply broke my heart all over again, and watching her last scene is just absolutely not helping me come to terms with this.

But I wanted to make a video about this episode, focussing more on Sybil than her relationship with Tom like the video I made yesterday. I'm pretty sure more videos will follow, and I have decided to keep watching the show, but for now I am just so utterly sad...

Also, I've used this song for a different video not so long ago, but I couldn't care less. It is pure sadness and that is what I feel.

Song: Life and Death by Michael Giacchino
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I had to take some time to catch my breath, watching this beauty in several times. It truely is a tribute to the pain and injustice we (family and fans alike) so strongly felt and feel again. I feel as if I've just lost a friend, that nobody could really understand what I'm trying to explain but watching this... I know you do. It's beautiful, and heartbreaking, it's sweet and violent, calm and still gives somehow an idea of chaos. No parent should have to bury their child.


This was so beautiful..I'm actually sobbing. She was the most beautiful person, inside and out. Thank you so so much for ending it with her laughing...that was lovely <3 RIP Sybil


Heart wrenching but so very beautiful! Lady Sybil was a truly amazing character and this is a lovely tribute to her! Wonderful, wonderful acting by everyone in this episode! I can't seem to stop crying... :'( Thank you for ending the video with her smiling and laughing as she was always so full of life! x


This made me cry... I usually don't cry with fictional stories, but Lady Sybil was just Lady Sybil.. and this video, with the music from lost, broke my heart totally u.u


stunning - she was the sweetest character and her and Tom deserved happiness beyond most of the other character! Your vids have brought tears to my eyes they are so beautiful. You have a real talent! Xx


This was beautiful and I think I cried more for this video than I did all three times I watched that episode. Wonderful, amazing job!


This came as a total shock on Sunday... thank you so much for this, it was beautiful


What a gorgeous tribute you did here to her. Really it's perfect, you made her honor! You really did! I'm crying but it doesn't matter. The vid is full of Sybil, I mean not only the scenes, the quotes and the music, but your editing, it's really like her! It's so very beautiful!!!


i didn't realize how attached i was to sybil until i couldn't stop thinking all day how she is never coming back...absolutely beautiful video rip lady sybil crawley branson <3


I can't stop crying. She was my favourite character of all time, in any drama. I'm heartbroken.


This was unbelievably beautiful, captured Sybil perfectly


Thank you <3 All the acting was amazing, but it was the scene of Thomas crying over her death that really touched me the most, because it was so unlike him.


Thank you so much. She was my favorite. I just needed to end this with a clip that truly showed who she was. Happy and full of live.


this just made me cry even more IT HURTS SO MUCH. i wont be able to see the previous season the same anymore bc we know Tom's and Sybil's future.... god it just breaks my heart


beautiful beautiful beautiful video! Such a great collaboration of all the wonderful things about Sybil. What a great tribute!


OH wow what a sensational video!!! It's beautiful but heartbreaking your editing is exceptional. I can't believe that she is dead what a loss her character will be to the series and she was amazing and brought so much to Downton Abbey *tears in eyes* <333


And I can't bare thinking that life and the show alike will have to go on without her. She's an inspiration to us all, I can't believe she's gone from the world she would've make better. Maybe this is why she had to find a better place, maybe man's eventually pride found a way to poison her too perfect mind, stealing her from our lives. Thank you for your beautiful, magical videos. This one is a wonder, just like her. A glimpse at sorrow and sweetness both. A painful beauty. A perfect agony.


your videos always brought tears to my eyes. i cry like a baby again! loved her so very much. it's so unfair that she died so young at least she was beyong happy before the pain of death.


This is the saddest moment in this show ever, this made me cry a river my heart couldn't stand i cry easlly and for a long time but the truth is that moment made me love this miniseries more and more, in fact am in love with it, i've been searching for a series like this after SFU and i didn't think of this as a real good one, i watched it as a waste of time
Now i'm regret i didn't watch it earlier ♡


oh god. I'm crying all over again! This video was so beautiful and that episode was just full of heatbreak and sorrow!
