Eric Clapton Finally SHOCKS Fans About Cream

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Eric Clapton Finally Shocks Fans About Cream..

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"... unchecked ego & unresolved conflict." Man, staying together as a band for years is so hard. Ego is a strong emotion for us, too. I don`t know what I`d do without mine.


Dude, the 4 stringed instrument is not a fish.


I heard that the primary cause of the Baker/Bruce arguments was that Bruce played his bass amps too loud against Bakers ability to drum loud. Remember, there were no PAs back then.


I remember as a 9th grader looking at the cover of Fresh Cream for the first time at Gimbels (long gone) reading that Clapton was a rustic and played in the Yardbirds. So I bought the album since I loved For Your Love. Little did I know it was this song that made Clapton leave the Yardbirds. After hearing the opening chord of I Feel Free I started copying Clapton riffs which were lightyear ahead of the Harrison/Richard riffs I played before. But as hard as I tried my Goya Rangemaster plugged into an Ampeg cranked to 11 through a Gibson Fuzz just didn't come close to Clapton's Gibson through a 100 Watt Marshall. Through the years I eventually attained that sound when I got a real job and could buy the equipment. Nowadays I find myself listening more to female KPop artists. Perhaps in my old age I tend to like their visuals more than the music. C'est La Vie.


Cream was a monster Band. The original Hard Rock Band.


I played support for Jack Bruce in Carlisle in the 1980s for promoters from the Front Page night club; he came across as condescending, arrogant, self indulgent and a drug addict. The crowd felt this too and we got a better response than him. Even though they wouldn't let us play on the stage and we had to play on the floor without a huge mixing system. Not too surprisingly our bass player's playing that night was very noteworthy.


I'm genuinely impressed. This piece consisted of a man's voice saying the same thing again and again using different words. I'm not exaggerating. There were MAYBE 2 or 3, MAX, different things said, 1 sentence each. Rephrase, and say it again. Rephrase again, and say it again, again. Over and over and over and over again, for 12 minutes. It's as if the dude was following a dare, or a challenge. "I'll bet you can't say the same two things again and again for 12 minutes straight!" "Oh yeah? Watch me!" Perversely impressive. But a complete waste of the viewer's time.


I saw their final show, 10/26/05 at MSG.


I only like Eric Clapton when he was with cream in my opinion Jack Bruce was the only bass player who could bring the best out of Eric Clapton along with ginger Baker on the drums. Tales of brave uluysus, deserted cities of the heart and white room my favourite top 3 cream songs. 11:40


Thus the reason to hire talented session musicians and never need to deal with destructive egos. Clapton leaving Cream and choosing musicians that formed Derek and the Dominos was a breakthrough for him. Sting leaving the Police is a another great example of this.


Bruce and Baker started fighting from the start in The Graham Bond Organisation with Dick Hexstall-Smith as the peacemaker.


Eric kept a career going after Cream, and the there was of course the Awesome iconic Layla. I saw Jack with this band The Golden Palomino's, and my friends were green with jealousy. IIRC they played Zeus ‘Misty Mountain Hop’ which was weird, but caf.A small club too.


Hmmm. Parallels with the Eagles aka Egoes…


Its difficult to work with musicians who believe they are gods gift !! ginger thought he was special and had a temper to match, jack also could be testing, and Eric was in the middle and he also had issues so altogether a dodgy trio producing some of the very best material of the time just sad for all concerned.


There is so much mispronunciation and misinformation in this channel that I would not take anything for accurate information ...


The fact that there are no comments on this indicates why there is no great music today !
