Animated: 2014 ThyssenKrupp Synergy MRL Traction Elevator @ Nordstrom, Monterey Oaks Mall

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I do NOT own the music playing in the background.

This store closed in June 2013 for a MAJOR Renovation. This is the aftermath of the renovation. The original elevator is gone and replaced with this.

Old Elevator Specs:
Brand: Montgomery
Model: Series 90
Type: Geared Traction
Capacity: 3500LBS
Year installed: 1993
Fixtures: Conventional (Innovation Universal)
Year defunct: June 2013 (date of closure for major rennovation)

New Elevator Specs:
Brand: Thyssenkrupp
Type: Machine-Roomless Gearless-Traction
Model: Synergy
Capacity: 3500LBS
Fixtures: Signa4
Year Installed: June 2014 (Store Reopened on January 18, 2015)

anthony020501 copyright 2015
Рекомендации по теме

3 story Nordstrom Elevators have numbers 1 2 3
