Mauvika Uses Dragon Fire, The Wayob and The Mistress of Death| Genshin Lore

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Natlan has so many moving parts and hidden secrets. Especially ones that concern the dragons and the land of the dead. The abyss and the Fatui are closing in on Natlan, but the Pyro Archon, Mavuika may have some hidden tricks up her sleeve.
If you want to understand Natlan's story a bit more and all the lore we were introduced to in version 5.0 then keep watching.

Hot Topics
Natlan’s Story Explained 0:00
Capitano and Mavuika Fight 0:49
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The Shade of Death Is Mistress of The Night Kingdom 9:49
What Is The Wayob? 11:43
What Are Ancient Names? 13:58
Why No Pyro Traveler? 15:43
Behind The Scenes 17:05

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My video started to lag right when she said "the primordial one" and I thought she was gonna SCREAM the same way as a certain other amazing lore enthusiast


the primordial one, a progenitor god hailing from beyond the stars 👹


Actually, the reason why the traveler hasnt been able to get the pyro power yet is already in the details. It has nothing to do with the Archons, nor dragons, they dont chose or allow the traveler to get the power even if the traveler work like a mini version of them. No, the reason why the traveler isnt getting the pyro power is because the leylines are basically non existant and very frail. The statues are somehow connected to the laylines, similarly to monoliths, and can channel the elemental power circeling around there.
And yes, there is proof of this! In mondstadt, there was quests where we had to blow away elemental dust, and when we did, we had to fight slimes (which are compressed elemental energy). Crystalflies also like to gather around the statues (not always but often), they too are creatures made by the energy...but are they attracted there or actually created there?
Then we also had the case where the Abyss stole one of Monds statues and hanged it upside down. They did not do that in order to make fun of Venti, although that do seem like it would have been a perk to them. No, surely it was because of what the statue was actually able to do... channel energy. Im just not sure if they channeled from the leylines, or reroute it to channel from the abyss...
And if its because of Natlans barely existing leylines, it would explain the travelers words that there was no connection. You cant go online if you have no internet.
This might mean we also know the end effect of the Archon quest. That the traveler will solve Natlans layline issue and they will grow all over Natlan. Because that is Natlans core issue. Without the leylines, they will keep being an easy target for the Abyss, and it wont matter if they purify all the wayobs...the abyss can still keep attacking as they have always done. But if the laylines grow stronger there, then Natlan can finally breathe easier like the rest of teyvat.


The Dawit reference caught me way off guard 😂


Ooh, a shout out! Thank you. I love your videos and having a fresh take on some of the lore and points of view. You're awesome ❤


i like how you named traveler's saurian companion "lil-morax" 😂


I think connection between archons and shades could be related to hypostases' alphabetical order. Like all hypostases are named after Hebrew letters. The ones named after 1st and 2nd letters are Electro and Anemo hypostases, and respective archons are shade of time related. 3rd and 4th hypostases are Geo and Cryo, i would correspond their archons to shade of space. 5th and 7th hypostases are Hydro and Dendro, archons are obviously related to shade of life. And 16th hypostasis is Pyro, archon is shade of death connected.


LOVE THE DAWIT REFERENCE 😂 Another fantastic video!!! ❤


the progenitor... you don't mean?


Great video.


"The primordial one the progenitor"


Great video! Thanks for sharing your knowledge, passion and love of the game!


excellent video! also tysm for adding subtitles. as someone who’s learning english, i really appreciate it! can’t wait to see your next video :D


The way Il Capitano talked to Mavuika is really peculiar. He seems to know a lot about the plan of her, too. That may imply, that he may have held the same ancient name as one of the 6 heroes, that fought alongside Mavuika, or he is outright one of the six. There is some emphasis they put on the one who was exiled from his tribe - Tenoch - that may fit some of Capitano's statements, that we saw in Mavuikas memories. However, Capitano could have also been a former Pyro Archon, that inherited the Memories of Mavuika, or Xbalanque( who emerged as the Pyro Archon out of the corpse of the Sage of the Stolen flame - the silver dragon Waxaklahun Ubah Kan - or even the Remains of the corpse of the Sage itself.( Capitanos design curiously features no visible eyes, with his outfit appearing to have dragon scales and silver highlights)

So rather than Mavuika being a dragon in disguise, which would make her plan of Sacrificing herself 500 years ago to be revived at the right time rather pointless, since she could have played the waiting game instead( Even Saurians can survive for over 500 years given the right circumstances, as seen by the "Mountainking" - a Yumkasaurus - and the "Tyrant" - a Cuqusaurus), I can see Capitano being a dragon in disguise instead.

Oh and one final observation. The Aura given of by Capitano in the fight does look an awful lot like the turn fire, that was used by a successor of the ancient name "Malipo". Did the sacred flame maybe just open an old battle wound caused by the abyssal corruption? Now I'm really curious about what will happen in 5.1


Sacred flames are in the night kingdom, so they are not available for traveller through the statue of seven.
In return traveller has ability to use phogtston freely. Phlogiston is true power used by dragons, so it’s not compatible with celestial powers and statues of seven.
The veins of key lines got burnt and the network of statues is affected, all those circumstances give results for traveller not be able to obtain pyro powers from statues of seven in Natlan.


I was thinking that the Natlan god was gonna be similar to Fontaine because of the slime theory. Both pyro and hydro large slimes are the only ones with horns 👀


i think the traveller can't resonate yet because they can't access the night soul state in which they utilize the power of phlogiston. by forging an ancient name for the traveller, i believe it will be possible to resonate with the wayob of natlan and be recognized in the night realm giving him the night soul blessing.


in regards to the Pyro element, I think Mavuika explains that, there's almost 0 pyro element generated in the nation, everything is used to fuel the sacred flame.

I believe the traveler will get a "workaround" on this, as he will resonate with the Wayob instead of the nations own generation of elements.
as soon as we (the traveler) accept the gift of the ancient name, I believe we will see a new resonance (identical to touching the statue), but it will be forced on us the first time we touch the artifact instead of the statue.

I am inclined to agree tho that the people are to interconnected with the nation in a way, idk if they are dragons (seems like it may be to much of the same concidering Enkanomia and Fountaine).
I believe we will learn that, as people of the nation resonate with these "particles" named Phlogiston, they are entered into a give and take relationship with the Wayob.
as they feed of the Wayob with Plogiston, the Wayob feeds of their energy to keep itself running.
We learn quite early that, it is a unique thing for their nation, and we were able to resonate and use this ability instead of pyro to begin with, which gave about the same reaction as when someone from any other nation finds out that we can resonate with their Archons / nations power of element, and it threw them for a loop in all the similar manner.

The ancient name however, is what will link us, the traveler to the Wayob instead of the usage of Plogiston, because.. quite honestly, I believe the Traveler is a usurper in a sense.
able to "steal" or "take" the power from the nation (not in an ill mannered way) and resonate with it.. many points out that the traveler is basically the archon's ability just on a smaller scale.
so we are able to "use" without giving as usual through our "sponge", but the artifact is what will create an actual link between us and the nations core fundamentals.
our limitless potential and Decender status may cause the Wayob to spin out of control, perhaps this is what will create laylines in the nation.. booming with energy and feeding a whole nations layline creation through this status.


I like how you named your little saurian "little Morax" I named mine as Azhdaha-Jr 😂


Tbf, Mavuika being the pyro sovereign like Neuvilette is logical while Xbalanque is the archon. This way it's like how Fontaine, the sovereign got released first before the Archon, DpS first before the Support 😅😅😅
