OzAurum Resources identifies new niobium anomaly at Salitre in Brazil

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OzAurum Resources Ltd (ASX:OZM) has identified a new niobium anomaly at its 100%-owned Salitre Project in Brazil based on recent soil sampling results. The anomaly spans a strike length of 1 kilometre with peak niobium values reaching 190 ppm.
This discovery was part of a reconnaissance geological fieldwork and soil sampling program aimed at exploring circular features identified through hyperspectral interpretation.
The program detected anomalous niobium mineralisation in soil accompanied by ultraviolet (UV) anomalies indicative of carbonatite intrusions, which are key sources of niobium and rare earth elements (REE). The highest total rare earth oxide (TREO) value recorded was 614 ppm.
Salitre is within the Alto Paranaba Magmatic Province (APMP) in Brazil, known for its carbonatite intrusions that produce 97% of the world’s niobium.
OzAurum plans follow-up soil sampling over a 1.2-square-kilometre area and is prepared to begin drilling once environmental permits and landholder approvals are obtained.
The company views the Salitre and Catalao projects as significant exploration opportunities within APMP, with ongoing evaluations of other prospects, including lithium, in the region.
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This discovery was part of a reconnaissance geological fieldwork and soil sampling program aimed at exploring circular features identified through hyperspectral interpretation.
The program detected anomalous niobium mineralisation in soil accompanied by ultraviolet (UV) anomalies indicative of carbonatite intrusions, which are key sources of niobium and rare earth elements (REE). The highest total rare earth oxide (TREO) value recorded was 614 ppm.
Salitre is within the Alto Paranaba Magmatic Province (APMP) in Brazil, known for its carbonatite intrusions that produce 97% of the world’s niobium.
OzAurum plans follow-up soil sampling over a 1.2-square-kilometre area and is prepared to begin drilling once environmental permits and landholder approvals are obtained.
The company views the Salitre and Catalao projects as significant exploration opportunities within APMP, with ongoing evaluations of other prospects, including lithium, in the region.
#ProactiveInvestors #OzAurum #ASX #Niobium #SalitreProject #RareEarthElements #MineralExploration #BrazilMining #APMP #CarbonatiteIntrusions #GeologicalSurvey #UVAnomalies #SoilSampling #MiningNews #REEs #EnvironmentalPermits #DiamondDrilling #BrazilResources #MiningProjects #ExplorationOpportunity #MineralResources #LithiumExploration
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