The Power Of I-AM (Chapter 8) - The 2 Most Powerful Words!

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Welcome to The YouAreCreators YouTube channel. We teach you how to create your reality. Many well-known people openly discuss The law of attraction like Steve Harvey, Kanye West, and Ester Hicks. Movies like "The Secret" helped spread this information to millions of people, and we intend to continue to spread the word.
We even include Law Of Attraction audiobooks and personal development audios

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I am that I am my heart is pounding and feeling lots of gratitude for all this videos, my hearth tells me this is the truth ...thank you so much and good voice great job 😊


God is Great he created us to believe in him.Every human being should believe in the One God the Iam.


I AM thankful and grateful that I AM going to be a Young multimillionaire!! I AM the next Big thing!!! somehow someway!!


I am so excited for those truths to take over the you sincerely.


You will know through the faculty of intuition 💯 trust your GUT!


Awesome. You Are Blessed beyond measures. Thanks so Much.


I will because I am, I am because I will☀️


MY IDENTITY IN CHRIST WHO AM I AS GOD SEES ME (What Christ have accomplished in my life)
 I am a child of God. Rom. 8:16.

I am a child of light and not of darkness. 1Thess. 5:5

I am delivered from the power of darkness. Col. 1:13

I am born of the incorruptible seed of God’s word. 1Pet. 1:23

I am born of God and the evil cannot touch me. 1Jn. 5:18

I am blest with all the spiritual blessings.  Eph. 1:3

I am an heir of God since I am His child. Gal. 4:6, 7

I am a joint-heir with Christ with His inheritance. Rom 8:17

I am a passer by to this world. John. 17:16

I am a member of the chosen generation. 1Pet. 2:9, 10

I am Christ’s friend. Jn.15: 5

I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ. 2Cor. 5:20

I am God’s minister. 1Pet. 2:9

I am a servant of Righteousness. Rom. 6:18

I am a new creation. 2Cor. 5:17

I am the salt of this earth.  Matt. 5: 13

I am the light of this world.  Matt. 5:14

I am God’s handiwork, His masterpiece. Eph. 2:10

I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit. 1Cor 3:16

I am never left nor forsaken by God.  Isa.  41:10

I am dead to sin and alive in Christ. Rom. 6:6, 11

I am the enemy of the devil. 1Pet. 5:8

I am strong in Christ 1Jn. 2:4

I am more than a conqueror. Rom. 8:37

I have been redeemed from the curse of the law. Gal. 3:13

I have been delivered from the power of darkness. Col. 1:13

I have the authority to cast out evil spirits. Matt. 10:1

I have all power over all the power of the enemy. Lk. 10:19

I have been granted all that pertains to life and godliness. 2Pet 1:3

I have immeasurable power of God within me. Eph. 1:9

I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me. Phil. 4:13

I am created to be the temple of God, His dwelling place. 1Cor. 6:16


I Am that accu-brush advertised six out of the last eight videos i just watched


Asking the question are we God is like asking the question is thunder lightning? The answer is of-course not but that does not mean they are not directly connected and are separated only by perception, it's an expression of the relationship between cause and effect which most don't recognize many refer to as karma, law of conservation of energy inertia, transmutation, thermodynamics, radiation etc. Humanity has a large inability to see beyond the 5 senses and beyond the boundaries of inter-spacial borderlines, i.e 3 dimensions of direction and 1 direction of space/time - There is way more to it than that.

Truth of I AM THAT I AM:

Through studying the unified field theory we can see the connection between quantum mechanics, general relativity and how consciousness is responsible for mediating between both of them, the big and the small, a rock and a hard place, we can now prove that we live in an ever evolving holographic multidimensional geometric hyperbowl that endlessly contracts and expands, constructed upon etheric spacial energy with no virtual boundaries, infused within multiple layers of duality, while all matter/energy is simultaneously being spat out at the speed of light by an infinite amount of miniaturized, massive and super-massive black holes that exist everywhere. "The Holy ONES" are present by infinity from every single atom (nucleus) to the center of every single galaxy, in and around it, that which exists both in time and no time nor space (blacks Sun/Swastika)

So making a point or objective judgment in any ONE single subject is the cause for insanity and is ignorant because everything is multidimensional not just dual, but I think it would be safe to deduce that we could all both be "God" and not "God". Simply put everything is both in process and complete (Ouroboros - Infinity 8) human perception of time as linear is vastly incorrect, i.e our cosmos construction might very well be completed already whilst the "creator" simultaneously experienced everything there was to experience, subsequently our perception could just be delayed (As with light and sound).

The process of harmonic convergence (Star alignment) and holy decree (Black Hole X ray emissions) I think stands to renew his plan this is referred to as the "Ouroboros" or Infinity Snake (8) which consumes itself as a process of death and renewal/rebirth evolution/transmutation, and with the guidance of the violet mother/universal spirit and golden star actions of the Christ, new decrees are made therefore nothing is really set anything can happen, and quantum mechanics, general relativity and the study of how consciousness affects all, proves that our minds and souls have the ability to effect our environment, we are actively participating in this process as God needs us as we are him in time and no time at different locations for different purposes of interaction and radiation.

"Our universe is constructed purely from X rays, once born we eXit our mothers Womb and enter the MatriX and start to eXist." - "Do not let the Anti-X Christ harvest you from the eXistence from the Light of the real X-Christ"

We are the lord as he created and experiences at the speed of light our reality is delayed we must not lose touch. Losing touch sends us into an abyss of darkness and is the eternal separation/harvest from light - Non-eXistent. You are apart of the blessed good seeds and have been anointed by the lord Christ as redeemed - "atONEd" Blessings, love and Gratitude is a currency you should now pay, not a big price to maintain the "All" the ONEness

When I mean we are God I mean we are each echoes of his voice/breathe, humanities perception of time is vastly incorrect, there is no past nor future, only the now exists, this is eternity in the eye of God. When lightning strikes 7 seconds later thunder strikes as light is faster than sound and seeks to separate from it causing a loud bang, like the creation of the cosmos, each universe, galaxy, star and planet, big bangs of separation of light from sound - God from us.

The separation is only one of perception, like a mirror, e.g. opposing two mirrors or cameras and what you see is an infinite oscillation in the mirrors or camera to TV set, this is our perception of reality again, like I said, we exist within the galaxy but everything only exists because we perceive it therefore, we are within the universe but the universe is within us (our mind's) and it is an infinite oscillation, until we shed the veil of ego and see the connection in X.

As for our destiny I think that will take some more inner workings, alchemy of thought and emotion to produce actions which can be turned rather from actions of lead into real great actions of gold. I feel we are doing this perfectly fine, searching for answers whilst remaining open to new ideas and thought patterns, continue on this path of discovery as we and the Lord are experiencing it one and the same at the same time our perception is just delayed and we must not lose touch or else we separate/harvest away into darkness from the light. Always seek answers to questions attaining knowledge and gaining wisdom this is Gods and our only true purpose.

For how could God possibly ever become all knowing "omniscient" if he had not experienced and seen every inch of his own domain and how better to experience it through the windows of the souls of his own creation. This would be the very reason for creation, as consciousness by definition is seeing things from and outer perspective, we truly give God purpose and in existing he comes to better understand himself as all scientists do when studying any species, we learn from all things in life, as above so below know the one, know the other. Hence consciousness truly is an "outer perspective" getting to truly know oneself. This is the awakening of true consciousness, I AM!!!


Thank you for this chapter.
I have 2 questions.
1) what is tge background music you are using? Its very beautiful and camping.
2) from which book ( and suthor) are you reading?
Thank you


I am humble I am grateful I am glad for God grace and mercy. I am confident I am intelligent I am ever learning ever evolving God's child I am family I am sister I am hopeful I am faithful I am ever learning humble and thankful for many chances


cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am.


May I ask what is your theology about what happens when you die?


I get it os thank u but couldnt the chapters have been have read in order like 1 thru 9


I am healthy I am rich I am happy I am good I am loved I am one with god I am well I am getting blessing now and everyday forever I am super healthy and my body outside and inside is healthy now everyday forever
