The THREE Things You Need To Get A Long Distance Ex Girlfriend Back

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The THREE Things You Need To Get A Long Distance Ex Girlfriend Back

In this video were going to discuss;
#1 - Time
#2 - Money
#3 - A Plan

Without these three things you aren't going to have much of a chance at getting a long-distance ex-girlfriend back.

#1 – Time
So, having the time to put in the work for your long-distance relationship is what matters but there are factors such as work, school and commitments that can make that difficult at times. Where you will find if you are a great distance apart you have to find and make the time so that you can see your partner, whereas if you were closer together as in a few hours' drive you could see each other often. Which brings us on to the second factor...

#2 – Money
I hate to break it to you but long-distance relationships are expensive and if you are maybe a hundred miles away from your ex-girlfriend well ideally you want to see her once a week maybe that costs gas. It costs plane tickets, if you live separate countries.

#3 – A Plan
The most important thing about getting an ex back is the and to make a long-distance relationship work with your ex and how to make it long. A long-distance relationship doesn’t last long term if you stay long-distance there has to be a point where one of you moves to the other person if you want it to be forever.

Looking at these three aspects if nothing in these three situations are not going to be achievable then your relationship isn't going to work and it really isn't how a long-distance relationship will work.

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Thank you so much, the best way to get me to do something is red pill me, I love the fact that I came in here thinking that you’ll give me tips on what to do, and I end up facing the truth from you and I have to move on, thank you and I’m glad to hear another long distance successful story ❤️


Guess it's time to move on. I'm on day 19 of no contact and I've been excited about contacting him again, but I'm super broke all the time. I work a shitty minimum wage food service job.
He broke up with me two months before I was supposed to move to North Dakota to be with him. The break up was two weeks after he had just come to Oregon to visit me. We had a great time. Even after the visit things continued to be great and then one day completely out of the blue he broke up with me. I didn't see it coming at all. He always told me how important I am to him, how lucky he was, how much he adored me, we never fought, communication was on point, he told me I'm the best thing that ever happened to him two day before the break up for god's sake. It's almost like he woke up feeling off and instead of talking with me he just broke it off like a complete moron. I don't get it. It's been two months and I'm so depressed I can barely get out if bed and I have no motivation for anything.


Had a plan to visit him in the UK in a month but he wanted a break before that happens for us to meet again and reconnect. During the call of the break I might have begged and smothered. Doing NC now and I wonder if it's bad if I stop by if he hasn't contact me before I arrive to UK....


Hey Chris, it'd be amazing if you could help me! :) Basically me and my ex recently broke up (literally last night), and she lives in Brazil while I like in the UK. We met over our love of gaming, on steam, and began chatting about all sorts of things. We started dating in March of this year so 5 months, and up until last week it was going amazingly well, we just got each other entirely y'know? We made all these plans to go see each other and eventually get married, have kids etc, but money was a bit of an issue back at the start, and I was planning to go see her in November. But then it all fell apart after I started getting really ill over the course of all last week and I couldn't spend much time with her as I wanted. We had an argument about it and she told me she just 'Couldn't do it right now' She had personal issues, both because of the country she was in, and family related issues and she was the type of person who wanted to do things for herself etc.

With us being mainly on Skype, Teamspeak and Steam with our talking and hanging out, we have a group of mutual friends who we talked to everyday on Teamspeak Now she rarely talked in it, but I would and am good friends with them. So would the No Contact rule apply to this situation? Like, would I have to not be in the chat with her, or would it work as well if I was just to ignore her and still be able to talk to these friends? Thanks! :)


Hi Chris! I've watched and readed everything you posted about Exboyfriend recovery, and I really like your advices, wish I saw them sooner. I did the no contact rule but I don't think it worked. I didn't respond to anny kind off message from my ex or anny sign of his exitence. It's important to say that I already broke up almost a year ago. And we got out sometimes, he even tried to kiss me most of the times, but more recently It was me who insisted about going out, but he wasn't interested becuse he saw how bad I was the last time I got out with him, he saw I still loved him and I've realised he wouldn't get nothing serious again with me. So now he won't even believe about going out with me so he don't hurt me like that day. So after that I realised it was time to me to seriously acomplish the no contact rule. At the 10th day of no contact he send me a message saying he dreamed about me with a lot off ahahah. I wanted to respond but I didn't and since then he send 2 messages wanting his jacket back (wich I though was mine because when we were in a serious relationship he said I could keep it) and only now after so many time of brackup he wants it back.So at the 30th I responded him and now hes coming one of these days at my house to get the jacket. But thats it hes not interest about texting or anything else, he responds but I feel he's just not interested anymore.But he sees everything I post even my snaps he is allways the first person watching it. I know he likes me but not enougth to value me as someone he can't loose. So now that the last image haves of me is a crying girl who loves him and wanted something more serious.And not even no contact will work because time goes by and hes forgething the love for me . Could you make a video explaining what to do when you did all the mistakes, like friend with benefits, and no contact rule after a long time of breakup ?


This doesn’t apply to me i never met mine 😓 i at least want to have those long conversations again and attention


Hi Chris! Thank you and your team so much for all the help! This gave me so much hope! I am currently doing the no contact rule right now... But I was wonder, when my ex broke up with me he said "I want you to move on and be happy." Does he really mean that? Since I'm doing the no contact rule isn't that what he wanted? For me to move on? I'm really confused about that. Please help. Thank you !


I know it's crazy but I met this girl on social app 5 years ago. we just wanted to be friends back then but eventually fell in love even if we live continent apart. I have had plans and i had promised her to meet her in person. Only that life got hard and i couldn't work hard toward my plan so she lost hope and she decided to break up even if she loves me. I really can make it work but I just need time. Do you think it's gonna work? Should I move on? I really don't want to lose her...


hey Chris and my ex were in 6 year relationship ....but now she is in police in different state I am in in income tax department in different state ....I was little clingy bcs she was not able to give tym....we were in long distance from 4 years ...but got job this ask her if problem occur then quit ur job and comee with she denied earlier she was ready for me at any continue in contact of one month I quit ...and start no contact its about 1 month now...should I increase it or should talk with her pls helo


Hello... Chriss Seiter. I break up with my exgf one month ago and i decide to get back her because she is very important to me.i read the Ex girlfriend recovery pro and I already finish the no contact rule.I am still on the way to get my exgf back .In the last part of Ex girlfriend recovery pro I get confused of the situation. What should I do if my situation with ex gf is on Friendzone and She has new boyfriend?


CHRIS ... i started talking to a girl and within few days we started feeling for each other and how it happened ..we msg each other every second dedicating our time to each other .. so our feelings started growing and she want to stop because she think our relationship wont work becuase she needs me beside her and she is not kinda ready for this relation i tried conviencing her..but she said she dont want .. but now everyday she sends me some or the other thing on everyday since the break up ..but i keep the chat very very short... she said she want me but not ready for relationship .. waht should i do ..any suggestions..?


pls i, m in LDR for almost year now and she breakup with me for 3 months now she wouldn't talk to me but after the NC period for 30 days i contact her and we had a good conversation and later i told her we back together but she told she is hooked up and that i should for get about her . pls is there any chance of getting her back?


I need advice I was with my ex for 2 years everything was great but I got deployed to Iraq and she broke up with me before I got home now that I'm home she acts cold with me and tries pushing me away but she did tell me she woke herself up over me and she said she still loves me but she is still trying to push me away we never got to meet before I left but we have a very good emotional connection is there anyway for me to get her back


hey chris how are you? hope you are doing well
i need some advice. me and my bf of 2 and a half years brokeup a few weeks ago. and it was because of misunderstandings we had. and my parents want us to gt engaged. but he wasnt ready. as well as we just havent been on the same page for a while. n right now we are broken up. and i have cut off all contact ..i dont hve him on fb or instagram or any other social media... i want him back. ..please give me some advice on what i can do? 😣😩


Hey man could I get my recovery system resent?


I can't help.My course work will be finished by 3 more years.He doesn't want ldr.but what to do


she said she was talking to someone but idk if she was just saying that to try to push me away or what and she left because things got hard when I was overseas she left 2 weeks before I came home she said it felt like I was never going to come but now I'm here idk if I should go see her and see if that helps or just let her do her thing


My long distance ex were making a plan come to meet me up on next month, he decided to bring me to the beach zoo, Disneyland and had a candle light dinner with me at night, , he will stay here for few day what to do If sex with him? can had sex after a long period didn't see each orther for getting back? I'm scared will had sex with him that will ruin my chances for getting back him. What should I do🙁


Mine isn't a ex but I am having a situation


I also have a ex that lives in PA and I live in jersey
