Rebecca Onie: What if our healthcare system kept us healthy?

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These are revolutionary words on so many levels. She isn't afraid to problematize the obvious, isn't afraid to say "NO, poverty and disease aren't self-evident". She isn't afraid to be honest, and she doesn't feel the need to complicate the problem in order to make it important to her listeners. Making changes doesn't start with logic, statistics and economic calculation, it begins with radical ideas, to which the environment can be adjusted. I hope this gets more views.


As a Public Health Major I really enjoyed this and inspire to hopefully have this type of impact!


"When you have a vision, you have an obligation to realize that vision." I couldn't agree more


The crazy part about this, this was uploaded in 2012 and only 108, 000 views. Where in more cases than none you can get more views watching people eat spicy wings than something that matters. Well done world, you never cease to amaze me..


Brilliant, - impassioned, rational and inspirational! The only thing missing was a call for patients to share the responsibility for their own health. Part of the system that Rebecca identifies as problematic is the traditional role of the doctor as expert who takes responsibility for health outcomes and the role of the patient who has been trained to be passive and compliant, but not proactively responsible for making healthy choices


Then they wouldn't be able to make a bunch of money off people's suffering.


This is the kind of TED talk I like. Havent had one touch me like this in a long time. Very inspirational. Thank you. Im donating at Health Leads right now


this video raises important ethical questions about the role of healthcare in society. Onie argues that the healthcare system focus too much on treating illness and disease rather than addressing the social and environmental factors that contribute to poor health outcomes. One response to her is that healthcare should be viewed as a fundamental human right, rather than a commodity or privilege. In order to truly achieve health equity, it is essential that all individuals have access to quality healthcare that addresses both physical and social determinants of health. It is important to consider the impact of social and environmental factors on health outcomes, such as access to healthy food, safe housing, and clean air and water. Addressing these factors requires a collective effort and investment from not only the healthcare system but also from governments, communities, and other stakeholders. I think we should see the importance and recognize the power dynamics at play in the healthcare system, particularly with regards to issues of race, class, and gender. These factors can impact access to healthcare and quality of care received, leading to health disparities that are both unjust and preventable. Overall, the importance to recognize within healthcare, there is a need for a collective effort to address social and environmental factors that contribute to poor health outcomes. This requires a shift in focus from treatment to prevention, and a commitment to health equity and justice for all individuals.


I go to a community college (thank you federal services), and I work my ass off finding odd-jobs to pay for what needs it next. It's unfair that some people have had the luck to find jobs. Real, consistently paying jobs. Denying something as important as healthcare is, again, based in the fear of giving money to the undeserving and disregards the notion of hurting those that have been supremely unlucky in life.


The Health Leads model is an inspiration. The same kinds of interventions that Health Leads volunteers offer to disadvantaged children would be outstanding services for vulnerable older adults.


Now that's what I call an amazing caring being. Yes "Health Care" the one that really cares. Thank you Rebecca.


I was quite interested in Rebecca's perspective on how our healthcare system could maintain our health. She deserves praise for her efforts and the way she articulated her insightful and fascinating perspective on healthcare inequities and the idea that wellness begins at home. I paused and wondered, "What would I say?" when she asked doctors, "If you had limitless resources, what is one thing you would give your patients?"
Perhaps justice and home health would be my responses. It is quite intriguing to learn how crucial it is to have our basic needs met in order to have a foundation on which to build our health and happiness when you truly dig into the issues. The doctor could prescribe all the antibiotics in the world for an ear infection, but for the child who has no food, or even perhaps a bed, they are only addressing a portion of the issue, as Rebecca mentioned in the video. Without the nutrients we get from fresh food and vegetables, the importance of a good night's sleep, a warm and sanitary place to live, and clean water. The child will thereafter need to return frequently for treatment.
I don't think we frequently all know that when we hear about health disparities that they exist in our own cities, in every city in the Nation. I am quite impressed with the doctors' efforts to deliver justice—that is, the ethical concept of treating every patient fairly, especially in light of limited resources—to those who were in need. They recommended food for the undernourished and heat for the cold. In addition to discovering and developing community resources for all those in need, it is my desire to contribute to efforts to deliver equitable and equal healthcare to patients.


Yep, you know everything! What a wonderful, understanding, and compassionate human being you are! That's probably why I can't find a job in the 3rd worst job area in the United States, I'm just an idiot. Thank you for showing me the light.


oh internet trolls, why can't you just take the knowledge and hope this woman provides and put it to good use. great video :)


Had me on the verge of tears a number of times. 2 SW's for 24k patients. That is incredible.


My class brought me here. But she aont lyin yall. This is truth.


In Rebecca Onie's talk "What if our healthcare system kept us healthy?", she emphasizes the need for a healthcare system that not only treats illness but also addresses the root causes of poor health. She highlights the importance of addressing social determinants of health, such as access to healthy food, safe housing, and employment, in addition to medical care. This talk highlights the ethical principle of beneficence, which is the duty to promote the well-being of others. Healthcare professionals have an obligation to address the social determinants of health and work towards creating a system that keeps people healthy, rather than just treating them when they are sick. By taking a more comprehensive approach to healthcare, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live a healthy life.


just one last point (ha, i wish ;) of clarification:
dont confuse 'public' with 'state'. A private restaurant is generally open to the public. This is different than public schooling or public housing for example.


You are an amazing presenter! I inspire to be like you! Thank you very much for your work Rebecca!!!


There is a saying that “ An Apple a day Keeps a doctor away”, it is the basic thing for everyone. In this video I have found everything related to a good and healthy food. These days people are busy in visiting the doctor for diseases they have generated by themselves. What if we get the healthy food or a food that has nutrition’s and other things which is good for our health. We don’t have to go the doctor, and yes it is a reality that doctors are curing the diseases and they are giving the medicines which also have the side effects. What it means that you have to take a good care of your health. When you take a healthy diet, your health will be better. One side you are paying for the medicines and on their side, you are also paying for the food. Why not you just pay for the healthy food and save the money.
