Which European Countries are Most Pro-China?

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Let's talk about how European attitudes to China differ. By looking at a couple of the most pro- and anti-China countries in Europe, as well as where the two European heavyweights - France and Germany - fall on the spectrum.

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I love the clickbait with big green poland as a friend of china and then not speaking about poland lol.


The thumbnail is irresponsible… you can’t post something like that and not explain anything about Poland. It’s not even a click bait anymore, just lie.


Saying poland is a good friend of china is like saying that Russia is a good friend of poland...


Serbia joing EU? In their dreams lol. India will join EU before Serbia


China: Don't politicize trade!"
Also China: We won't trade anything with Lithuanian components because of politics


I love how this guy accuses China of divide and conquer. That is straight out of the US regime's playbook. Look how it has split Taiwan further from the rest of China, how it severed Kosovo from the rest of Serbia, and even broke up Yugoslavia, and want to do the same to Russia.


Bit disingenuous to say "Serbia and Hungary support China's one China policy" and neglect to mention that the entire European Union also 'supports' this 'policy'. Sometimes I get a feeling you guys just say whatever you think will sound right to your audience without any consideration for accuracy.


I don't know about them, but I'm very pro China 🇨🇳 despite my country being its worst enemy. Plus, it's better to side with China 🇨🇳 than to side with the European Union 🇪🇺, Islamic ☪️ countries, and obviously Russia 🇷🇺


For us in Lithuania, China may also remind Soviet Union, which is obviously not a good look. Although, such opinion is not as prominent so far.


I don't think we can be surprised by Serbia (which isn't even an EU member as detailed), since the 1999 bombing. Serbia is symbolic because it has ties to Russia, so naturally it has been on Russia and China's side.

About Hungary, I feel we are separating apart. In Poland today, we are seeing not a Hungary that has remembered the 1956 oppression, but a megalomaniac who tries to stay cozy to Putin. We are so disappointed by it.


Im proud of my country Serbia to have this mighy nation of China as ally. Eu can't decide for 20 years what they want with Balkans, and they force Serbia to make precedent in Europe to give up Kosvo it's legimite and legal part of land to procide with joining EU in faaaar future i mean wtf.


Czech here. We are still being reeled by the shocking situation in Slovakia where a Putin sympathiser came to power. We remember how China threatened us over our deal with Taiwan despite we didn't see it as a violation of One-China.


Lithuania must be one of the most politically reliable nations on the EU side of things. In NATO terms, they are an important ally.


2:05 Hey TLDR guys. Could you please source this information because I follow you dearly and I like your videos, but this number is incorrect to say the least. The total Chinese investment in Serbia is 10.3$ billion from 2009 onwards. It is nowhere near 20$ billion.
I would be grateful if you could explain more.
P. S. GeoPolitics is my profession.
Thank you.


UK is heavily anti-China? Two possibilities then:
-The Chinese must be doing a lot of things right
-The Chinese have stopped pouring funds into the British economy, which would explain why British attitudes towards them moved from favourable to unfavourable (as with the Russians)


EU thought Russia was nice too, but we all know how that turned out, let’s hope Europe doesn’t make the same mistake twice


You know, maybe don't put Poland as being pro-china in the thumbnail without explaining your reasoning...


1:40 what's the source for that "pro China" sentiment graph?


"Just a mouse under the foot of an elephant" high praise given how elephants back away and give mice a wide berth, possibly because they are afraid of mice but it's hard to tell what is going on inside an animal's head.


You are confusing Europe with the EU. What is the point of the video?
