THE AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIER - all you need to know 😎 #pitbulldog
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The american pitbull terrier, This medium sized dog is compared against huge dog breeds whether they can win over it or not? It's not because of it's so called unpredictable temperament, infact, this dog has got some serious combat skills, a fully muscular body optimised for quick reactions, and most importantly, the mindset of never giving up. as you can see in this clip, there's a pitbull and a rottweiler, the rottweiler is more powerful, but it looks clear, if the glass breaks, it will be the pitbull that will protect its owner till its last breath. In many similar clips, you will find them challenging animals that are 5 times stronger then them, you can call it stupidity or absolute courage. It takes balls of steel to growl in the eyes of a massive 500 pounds apex predator, let me remind you, allmost all dogs go silent as soon as they see a lion from a distance. This legendary dog breed is