Introduction to Tidyverse in R - dplyr
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# learning objectives
# tidyverse vs. R's way of doing things
# what filter, arrange, select, mutate, and summarize do
# selecting a range of columns (e.g., x1:x10)
# selecting "not" columns (e.g., -(x1:x10))
# understand auxiliary functions:
# starts_with, ends_with, contains, group_by, desc
# understand comparisons (&, |, ==, !=, %in%)
# Exercise
# filter to those over 18, create sum scores for mindfulness/stress/depression,
# select only age and the total score columns, then summarize by group
Introduction to Tidyverse in R - dplyr
Gentle Introduction to R and Tidyverse
Introduction to R Programming and Tidyverse
Introduction to R and Tidyverse Tutorial
R programming for beginners. Manipulate data using the tidyverse: select, filter and mutate.
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Introduction to the R tidyverse
Introduction to Team Tidyverse (R Tidyverse)
Introduction to Dplyr and the Tidyverse
Introduction of Tidyverse English [tidyverse]
Introduction to the tidyverse in R
Introduction to R, RStudio, and the Tidyverse (dplyr, readr)
Introduction to R Workshop Series: Video 15 - Tidyverse - Pipes
Introduction to the tidyverse in R (filter, select, mutate, pipe); Learn R Video 9
Introduction to R and the tidyverse - one-shot version
R/Tidyverse quick start (part of the Rfun Introduction to R series)
Introduction to the Tidyverse
Introduction to the Tidyverse (package for R programming language)
Introduction to tidyverse with dplyr and USAFacts COVID-19 Data
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Intro to the Tidyverse
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Introduction to R Workshop Series: Video 13 - Tidyverse Verbs of Data Wrangling