Filebeat with Elasticsearch 8.x - Part 1: Install and Secure

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Learn how to install, configure, setup and secure #filebeat for use with #elasticsearch and #kibana.
Yml files can be found here:
00:00 Installation and Setup
13:00 Create Publishing User
23:10 Set Up Additional Dashboards
This video is part our Beat series:
Yml files can be found here:
00:00 Installation and Setup
13:00 Create Publishing User
23:10 Set Up Additional Dashboards
This video is part our Beat series:
Filebeat with Elasticsearch 8.x - Part 1: Install and Secure
Filebeat with Elasticsearch 8.x - Part 2: Email Filebeat Alerts with Logstash
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Auditbeat with Elasticsearch 8.x - Part 1: Install and Secure
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Metricbeat with Elasticsearch 8.x - Part 1: Install and Secure
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