Are you biased? I am | Kristen Pressner | TEDxBasel

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What do you do when you realize you have a bias, even against yourself? Kristen Pressner is the Global Head of Human Resources at a multinational firm, and a tireless advocate for, and promoter of, women in the workplace. In this enlightening talk, Kristen explores how we can recognize our own hidden, irrational biases — and keep them from limiting us.

The intro animation was produced as a collaboration between TEDxBasel and the Hochschule Luzern. The video was created by Fabian Schaeublin.

Kristen Pressner is the Global Head of Human Resources at a multinational firm. She graduated from Purdue University with top honors and received her MBA from The University of Dallas. Kristen is a passionate advocate and tireless campaigner for women in the workplace. She is married with 4 children.
Favorite quote: “If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Elliot

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Going deeper. Isn't it a bias to think supportive, emotional, helpful, sensitive, fragile is worse than leader, provider, assertive, strong, driven?


We all have biases, but if we recognize them and do something about them we can avoid to be limited by them! Amazing talk


Unconscious bias is real.  The sooner we acknowledge it, the sooner we can start to change and improve it for the better.  I commend Kristen for her candor and courage in sharing this message.


"What if you're missing an opportunity to see the world differently?" There's so much to gain for so many, from this 'flip it to test it' idea.

My favourite TED talk for a really long time!

Insightful, important & implementable :)


Kristen Pressner-- allI can say is what power and depth you have on this matter. You have put in perspective the most contemporary situation we face as humans evolving on this planet--who do we think "they" are. It matters in every arena of life. The dimensionality you have given this issue of bias is truly sage-worthy! Thank you!


Part of the great power of Kristen's talk, and her suggestion, is that it can be used to combat so many biases. How powerful is that? Additionally, you will begin to see how the people you surround yourself with will begin to demonstrate the influence - which Michael A. Pitcher states is the very heart of leadership! - that you have by making enlightened and honorable changes. By focusing on your own behaviors and beliefs (as also noted by Natalia Wallenberg in an early comment) rather than focusing on how others should change themselves you can make lasting differences in our world. Bravo, Kristen, for a practical path to accelerating our individual paths to a higher, more evolved level of interaction!


Thank you for "coming out" with your own bias so clearly, Kristen - we often recognise bias in others long before ourselves and don't like to accept our own biases. Yet in recognising we have them, we can make a more conscious choice to look at things differently.


Kristen Pressner's courage knows no bounds. For someone in her position to publicly admit to biases many (most?) people possess, but few own... and to start a conversation on the topic is profound. Her insights--and the tools she uses to bring it home to us that we, too, carry unconscious bias within us--in combination with the solutions she offers are priceless. Thank you, Kristen, for your bravery in starting this conversation!


Flip it to Test it - seeing the world differently is something we all need to do more of. Im one of those who Kristen refers to who likes to think I hire the right person for the job and I don't 'see' gender', 'race' or 'difference' - or perhaps I do and thats why I find Kristen's call to action so engaging . I appreciated the authenticity of Kristen Pressner!


Unconscious bias has been talked & written about a lot in recent years, but this short, powerful and refreshingly honest talk suggests a simple but effective way to check ourselves: flip it to test it. Great stuff, Kristen Pressner - thank you!


No matter how self-aware we are, we are all still products of the societies and cultures we're raised in, so none of us are immune to biased thinking. The 'flip it to test it' tactic is a great way to check ourselves, and I always encourage people to use that as a thought exercise.


I absolutely love this talk! I appreciate your ability to be so candid and honest about your own biases. The "flip it to test it" approach is genius and works in all aspects of life--on a personal level and a business level. It's so simple, but such a valuable tool. Thank you so much, Kristen!


Kristen Pressner’s 8 minute talk is very impactful. Unconscious bias is particularly hard to uncover- her ‘flip it to test it’ concept is particularly useful to me in my work as an Exclusion Exterminator in this space.


Such a concise and powerful message. So often we see other people's biases but not our own. Great leaders, like Kristen, challenge themselves and take responsibility for getting it right. "Flip it to test it" is also a super actionable insight we can all apply. Congratulations Kristen! The world need more leaders like you.


Kristen, I was very impressed with your honest self-reflection and speech about bias against women. I have sat on your side of the table for many years and as I listened to you I reflected on several similar situations that in hindsight I likely should have handled differently. Thank you for that learning opportunity!


There's no denying that we all have unconscious bias after watching this and seeing the "flip" of the words and pictures - that bit really made me chuckle! This talk has really got me thinking about the subject of unconscious bias. "Awareness is the precursor to choice" - Kristen's talk has certainly raised my awareness. And that will make me more conscious about my own bias. I'll be "flipping to test" all over the place from now on! :)


What a great talk and I loved this journey of self-reflection. I can tell this person is a great leader... It's never EASY to recognize biases we all have, but our ability to influence and empower others is directly tied to our willingness to be honest with ourselves and how we see the world. Much enjoyed this presentation!


Encouragement to thoughtfully grow and become intentionally better. Eloquent openness and self-aware honesty.


You have to first diagnose the problem before you can fix it. By bravely owning up to her own bias, Kristen breaks the shame/blame cycle and demonstrates an surprisingly easy way in which people can find their own biases. Great talk. Thank you Kristen!


Bias was the subject of the conversation, but the scope of this presentation is expanded beyond 'bias' into the deep world of self-discovery due to two factors: first, the degree of awareness Kristen brought to the issue when she was confronted with an apparent duality, and second, the final call she makes to self-check oneself continually. A very remarkable talk here. Even the superwomen and feminists would find the self-deprecating portrayal to be a tremendous eye opener for the need to continuously examine one's own unconscious predispositions. <3
