NONFICTION NOVEMBER 2023 TBR | I took myself by the lapels and said, 'IT'S TIME READ THESE BOOKS!'

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Olive @abookolive
Kate @katehowereads
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autumnal, falling off at a certain season, leaves, seasonal, fall, the season after summer and before winter, nature, vibes, gothic vibes, aesthetic, art, old-school, internet aesthetic, warm sweaters, cozy bonfires, and hot apple cider, abundant
amber, autumnal, back-to-school, blustery, bountiful, breezy, bright, brilliant, brisk, brown, changing, chilly, cold, colder, colored, colorful, comfortable, gray, gusty, harvested, hibernating, howling, inspirational, leaf-strewn, magnificent, moonlit, orange, overgrown, pumpkin-flavored, pumpkin-spiced, rainy, raked, red, relaxing, ripe, cozy, crackling, crisp, crunchy, deciduous, earthy, enchanting, enjoyable, fall-inspired, fallen, farm-grown, fireside, flannel, foggy, foraging, fresh, frosty, gold
rust-colored, rustling scary, seasonal, soggy, spectacular, spooky, turning, unpredictable, vibrant
visual, vivid, wilted, wilting, windy, wondrous, woodland, yellow
Olive @abookolive
Kate @katehowereads
Videos you may like:
Drop by on Instagram - Shellyish
booktube, booktuber, Tik Tok, tumbr, instagram
autumnal, falling off at a certain season, leaves, seasonal, fall, the season after summer and before winter, nature, vibes, gothic vibes, aesthetic, art, old-school, internet aesthetic, warm sweaters, cozy bonfires, and hot apple cider, abundant
amber, autumnal, back-to-school, blustery, bountiful, breezy, bright, brilliant, brisk, brown, changing, chilly, cold, colder, colored, colorful, comfortable, gray, gusty, harvested, hibernating, howling, inspirational, leaf-strewn, magnificent, moonlit, orange, overgrown, pumpkin-flavored, pumpkin-spiced, rainy, raked, red, relaxing, ripe, cozy, crackling, crisp, crunchy, deciduous, earthy, enchanting, enjoyable, fall-inspired, fallen, farm-grown, fireside, flannel, foggy, foraging, fresh, frosty, gold
rust-colored, rustling scary, seasonal, soggy, spectacular, spooky, turning, unpredictable, vibrant
visual, vivid, wilted, wilting, windy, wondrous, woodland, yellow