Draw Cat In Python With Code | cat face code | awesome python turtle codes | Python logo #catpython

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Turtle Programs
Draw Cat In Python With Code | cat face code | awesome python turtle codes | Python logo #catpython:
(Draw Cat In Python Turtle With Code | Turtle Programs | #pythonturtle |#Awesome Python Turtle Codes)
Looking for a tutorial on how to draw cat in python turtle, then you are at the right place today. In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw a cat in python turtle, so follow this tutorial till the end.
We will use the turtle module to draw a cat using python. It is a GUI python library which can be used to draw anything from characters, cartoons, shapes and other objects.
Drawing a cat in python is difficult if you are new to python, but don’t worry I will show you everything and provide you with the code of this program.

Python Code To Draw A Cat:
import turtle
import math

window = turtle.Screen()

cursor = turtle.Turtle() # Cursor

def movePen(cursor, x, y):

def movePenX(cursor, x):

def movePenY(cursor, y):

def positionAlongCircle(x, y, radius, angle):

# Draw the head

movePenY(cursor, -150)

# Draw the nose

noseMouthOffset = -15

movePenY(cursor, -20 + noseMouthOffset)

# Draw the mouth

movePen(cursor, -100, -20 + noseMouthOffset)

# Draw the eyes

eyeSpacingX = 30
eyePosY = 40
eyeRadius = 30

# Right eye

movePen(cursor, eyeSpacingX, eyePosY)

# Left eye

movePen(cursor, -eyeSpacingX, eyePosY)

# Draw the tongue

movePen(cursor, -20, -60 + noseMouthOffset)

# Draw the ears

# Right ear

earBeginAngle = 25
earSize = 85
earWidth = 22
positionA = positionAlongCircle(0, 0, 150, earBeginAngle)
movePen(cursor, positionA[0], positionA[1])

positionB = positionAlongCircle(0, 0, 150 + earSize, earBeginAngle + earWidth)

positionC = positionAlongCircle(0, 0, 150, earBeginAngle + earWidth * 2)

# Left ear

positionA = positionAlongCircle(0, 0, 150, -earBeginAngle)
movePen(cursor, positionA[0], positionA[1])

positionB = positionAlongCircle(0, 0, 150 + earSize, -earBeginAngle + -earWidth)

positionC = positionAlongCircle(0, 0, 150, -earBeginAngle + -earWidth * 2)

# Whiskers

whiskerLength = 180

# Right whiskers

movePen(cursor, 50, -15)

movePen(cursor, 50, 0)

# Left whiskers

movePen(cursor, -50, -15)

movePen(cursor, -50, 0)

Above is the python program to draw a cat. Now to run this program you need to have python installed on your computer, If you don’t have then follow this guide: Install and setup python on your computer.
any errors like turtle module not found.

Turtle comes pre-installed with python setup, but if you get any errors you can reinstall it using the below command.

pip install turtle
So now you have everything setup and you are ready to run the program.
As you can see, we successfully drew a cat using python turtle. I hope you were able to run this program successfully.

Want more amazing turtle tutorials like this check out this: Awesome Python Turtle Codes.
The above command will run the program and it will open a new window.

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