💯😎❤️Weird Dirty Facts About History You Didn't Know! #history #historyfacts #historyfactsdaily #art

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Napoleon Wasn't That Short!
If you know one thing about Napoleon, you know that he was short. Except he wasn't. He was actually 5'6, which was the average height for men of the time! He was probably made fun of as 'little' in propaganda pictures by his enemies, to make him seem less powerful.
More Than One English King Has Died On The Toilet!
Can you think of a more embarrassing way to go? We hate when someone accidentally walks in on us, let alone being found dead on the loo! The first English King to die on the loo was King Edmund in 1016, who got stabbed to death while doing his business. In 1216, exactly 200 years later, King John died on or near his loo from dysentery
Vikings Didn't Have Horned Helmets!
If we asked you to picture a Viking, chances are you'd picture a big hairy bloke with a horned helmet. But actually, Viking helmets didn't have horns! Horns would've been impractical in battle, although there is evidence of other civilisations having horned helmets! Horned helmets only became associated with Vikings during the 19th century, when lots of operas were written about them.
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