Session 1 Q&A with Dr. Hugh Ross

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Saturday night's Q&A with special guest speaker Dr. Hugh Ross.

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🌹What a blessing our God has given us in Dr. Hugh Ross. His immense knowledge coupled with Godly humility is an inspiration to us.🌹


Dr. Ross, thank you, I see seriousness in explaining the greatness of God's creative power. It assures me trusting God even more intensely.


Dr. Ross has changed my life. I’ll be eternally grateful. 🙏🏻❤️


Someone start a petition to have him on Joe Rogan


As much as i love neil degre tysson i have to admit, Dr Ross would mop the floor with him.


Scientists started to ridicule the bible using their formulated theories and hypothesis, God therefore raised a Hugh Ross for this Generation


Wow! Dr. Hugh Ross leaves me stunned. I believe the Lord has a lot in store for him. And I can see that this great man is going to bring a lot of unbelievers to Faith. Set especially atheist physicists. I believe through his Ministry and teaching, a lot of people will come to Christ. Even Believers will be more faithful to Christ. Hallelujah! Amen. To God be the glory!


I always learn something new from Dr. Ross.


I have only recently heard of Hugh Ross, and I am so thankful for him 🙏 ❤

I too used to think that the 6 day creation made the earth look older than it is, l love what he said about that. God does not lie or deceive, and nature and God's word are not going to contradict each other!!!
My faith has grown so much listening to him, and I am so much more excited about having faith in such an amazing awesome Creater. Thank you so much Grace Church for having him. Thank you Dr. Ross, God bless you and your family, and your ministry! I hope you will come and speak here in Hawaii!


Thank you so much Dr Ross your incredible. It’s not that I want to die but I am going to be so happy to meet you in heaven 🫡


It gives me such joy to have a better understanding of days as God sees it. It's also very good to remember always that the Bibles books were written in other languages that aren't always easy to interpret or done correctly. Thank you, Hugh.


I never really liked Anthology in college mainly because my knowledge was so lacking in comparison to what I've learned in the last few years by listening to Hugh Ross who explained the incredible inconsistencies an incomplete theories of a College professor. If I could time travel I'd study the rest Hugh Ross has gleaned for us and sit in that College classroom again with a smile on my face...For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
1 John 3:11


“Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals.”

― Martin Luther King, Jr


WHAT? Hugh Ross was in St. Louis in November???? Ack, I missed it!!! But I am SO glad to hear it. Please, bring him back again too. I will have to be diligent about checking his schedule I guess? Oh my!! Sorry, but I am so excited he was here, even though I am so sorry I missed it.


The audio on these videos should be turned up because they r very low, thank you ❤️❤️


The old gentleman asked a good question @46:00 about the angels that came down to earth and mated with Earth women. I often wondered just how human are these angels that left their estate to mate with human women, was it right down to their DNA? Did they have a blood type, Why did God give them that ability? I know that the angels that visited Abraham ate food with him, did they digest the food like we do?


Perhaps John Mcarthur should get together with Hugh Ross.


This explains incrediblehorse human relationships and if horses are abused they don't rain easily or well


Often I’ve heard you mention The Book of Nature. Pardon my ignorance but what is it? I’d like to read it. Thank you


Ok, the question about miracles... and Dr. Ross responding with examples of fake healings in the US but authentic experiences abroad in the mission field where there are demonic barriers... There is a reason why God doesn’t hand out miracles and explicit actions authored by Him—at least not overtly. Simply, the more we see, the more is required of us. For example, if God does something overt in my life, and I know that God was responsible, yet I continue to walk in the flesh, I bring judgement on myself. It now becomes an open door for evil to torment me. Thus far, God seem very calculated on this being that it has an inverse relationship. More God overtly does it, more we are required to walk in holiness. If I walk in the flesh and God overtly answers my prayers for something, it would not be a good thing.
