how to level up this winter

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Winter's almost here. Follow these tips to start the new year strong.






My name is Gohar Khan, and I'm an MIT grad helping you succeed at school. I make videos about study strategies, college applications, and occasionally, my day-to-day life. I want to equip students with the tools, knowledge, and resources they need to realize their academic potential.

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Gohar went from helping us in school to starting our winter arc respect


Hey y'all! As we approach 2025, I want to give a quick update about where I want to take this channel.

I've had an absolute blast producing these study videos, but I feel like there's a finite number of tips that I've been starting to repeat. I also feel like my content mostly caters to younger students who are early in their high school careers, and in the process, I've neglected some of my older viewers interested in topics beyond academics.

As such, I want to lean more into "journalistic" pieces, similar to the video I produced about Math 55. I had a *ton* of fun producing that project as it pushed me outside my comfort zone, challenging me both creatively and intellectually. I'd love to continue with that style, exploring random (yet interesting) topics such as memory champions, nature vs. nurture as it relates to intelligence, weird college classes across the country, and more.

Let me know how y'all feel about this! Would love any and all feedback. :)


for anyone who needs this <3

I love your hair
I love your eyes
I love your strength
I love your voice
I love your style
I love your eye lashes
I love your nose
I love your confidence
I love your forehead
I love your hands
I love your shoulders
I love your ears
I love your cheeks
I love your mouth
I love your personality
I love that you are brave
I love that you are kind
I love that you are strong
I love that you are you
I love that you are smart
I love that you are creative
You are beautiful
You are nice
You are confident
You are smart
You are unstoppable
You are perfect
You are unique
You are amazing
You are pretty
I love you when you’re mad
I love you when you’re sad
I love you when you’re happy
I love you when you’re anxious
I love you when you’re embarrassed
I love you when you’re cheerful
I love you when you’re disappointed
I love you when you’re at your lowest
I love you when you’re at your highest
I’m proud of you for eating
I’m proud of you for setting goals
I’m proud of you for getting up
I’m proud of you for learning
I’m proud of you for trying
I’m proud of you for smiling
I’m proud of you for going outside
I’m proud of you for spreading kindness
I’m proud of you for being you
I’m proud of you no matter what
I know you’re insecure but everyone is
I know you’re not happy but your not alone
I know you’re getting bullied but don’t listen to them
I know you’re sad but try to be happy
I know you’re miserable but your still standing
I know you feel hated but you are loved
I know you feel sad but deep down you’re happy
I know you feel disappointed but you are proud
I know you are depressed but smile!!

insecurities are only real because of society, so ask yourself.. “would you be who you are right now if it weren’t for them?” and what would you say? don’t hate yourself, because you are worth the world! everyone is different and that’s a good thing. don’t be insecure, just set goals! be yourself and learn to love who you are <3
Maybe check out my channel?


What resonated with me the most was when you mentioned how people of today's age just don't read as many books today. I am, unfortunately one of those people who arduously fails at reading books. This is my promise to you: I will not only start reading books this winter break, but I will make it a habit to read them every day from today on, even if it's just a couple of pages.


12:19 man i thought I'd hear "and I'll see you again next YEAR" 💀


"Never put off until tomorrow, what can be done today." -Master Wu


What resonates most with me is learning a new skill.Im more of a stem (maths) person so things like coding possibly might now make me seem special, art however seems very interesting though I’ve tried many times but failed probably because it’s not something you can instantly understand with specific answers like maths but you need to explore yourself 🤓


You can never skip a gohar vid.
Im watching this to regain motivation to lock in as i have my gcse in 2026 and i basically just have one year to prepare. thank you <3


Genuinely perfect timing, my grades are the worst they’ve ever been in all my years of school. Hopefully I can salvage them . for this semester and do better next semester 💪💪


This video has SO MUCH important information. Wish I had this during July when it is winter in Australia and it is actually quite cold, especially in Melbourne. I'm saving this video for next winter, right now, it's like 35 degrees celsius outside :) What resonated with me was how a MINUSCULE improvement of 1% daily can compound rapidly into an improvement which shocked me. I'm ready to pursue a skill which I have avoided a lot - debating.


don't wait until the next year to accomplish your goals
get out of the winter slump (being tired and sad) by prioritizing the sun
develop a morning routine
create semester feedback (using the google doc)
set a winter skill goal (maybe something you have not done before)
try to get 1% better everyday
read an actual book
cherish the holidays
use your phone less


He's so inspirational! He's made me get out of my slump...


With my winter break starting in a bit I see gohar on the horizon guiding my way


What stayed with me the most is the 1% improvement formula by improving a little each day y9u will see massive improvement in the long run.


I really loved the "learn a skill outside of your niche" point a lot! I'm definitely planning on doing that this winter!


Time to start my winter arc! 🥶 Wish me Luck!


Im trying to do my best this past months, I got a new job on a great industry and even got some new hardware for my pc with my own money (Im 16y btw), but Im anxious about the future and if this winter Im going to improve some way, because all other times I got some real high goals and achived anything. But even so, I going to try my best and just continue, even if I cant do all, at least something I going to do! Hope all of you achieve what you need and have a great time doind so, gl


I am a YouTuber and was forced to pause getting vids up because I am in marching band. But this video has made me realize that it's not too late to do anything with your life.


This week I had exams and I am finally over with it. I find it extremely hard to read books like I can study for hours but I find its difficult to read book and thanks for the motivation to read books. I struggled a lot to read books and I hope small efforts daily and pushing myself would make an impact.


What resonated with me was the winter slump. Every winter I usually backside instead, and find it really hard to closer back up the following year.
