Jane Austen's happy endings - The final proposal scenes of six Austen couples (subs ES/PT-BR)

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00:00 Northanger Abbey (2007)
04:50 Sense and Sensibility (1995)
11:31 Pride and Prejudice (1995)
15:53 Mansfield Park (1999)
18:09 Emma (1996 TV)
23:29 Persuasion (1995)

As everyone has their favourites when it comes to screen adaptations of Austen novels, the adaptations featured in this compilation have been chosen on the basis of the extent of faithfulness to the scene as described in the books.
For the sake of consistency in tone and visual aesthetic across the scenes, only the adaptations from '90s and later were considered.
For PRIDE & PREJUDICE, PERSUASION and NORTHANGER ABBEY, the selection was straight-forward. For the the first two, the 1995 adaptations depicted the scene most faithfully, while for NORTHANGER ABBEY there is only the 2007 ITV movie to pick after the '90s.
For SENSE & SENSIBILITY, the scene from the 1995 movie was picked as its counterpart from the 2008 adaptation is copyright blocked in Youtube.
The choice for EMMA was a little hard as there are FOUR modern adaptations to choose from. However, the 1996 ITV movie starring Kate Beckinsale and Mark Strong was a bit more faithful than the rest in the setting of the scene and the dialogues (except, perhaps, a certain dialogue at the end of the scene which some viewers might find awkward).
As for MANSFIELD PARK, Austen does not describe the proposal scene in the book and the choice was between 1999 and 2007 movies. The scene from the 1999 movie was picked as it had Austen's lines as voice-over at the beginning.

I hope you would enjoy watching this video!

#janeausten #prideandprejudice #senseandsensibility #mansfieldpark #northangerabbey #janeaustenpersuasion #janeaustenemma
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- As everyone has their favourites when it comes to screen adaptations of Austen novels, the adaptations featured in this compilation have been chosen on the basis of the extent of faithfulness to the scene as described in the books.
- For the sake of consistency in tone and visual aesthetic across the scenes, only the adaptations from '90s and later were considered.
- For PRIDE & PREJUDICE, PERSUASION and NORTHANGER ABBEY, the selection was straight-forward. For the the first two, the 1995 adaptations depicted the scene most faithfully, while for NORTHANGER ABBEY there is only the 2007 ITV movie to pick after the '90s.
- For SENSE & SENSIBILITY, the scene from the 1995 movie was picked as its counterpart from the 2008 adaptation is copyright blocked in Youtube.
- The choice for EMMA was a little hard as there are FOUR modern adaptations to choose from. However, the 1996 ITV movie starring Kate Beckinsale and Mark Strong was a bit more faithful than the rest in the setting of the scene and the dialogues (except, perhaps, a certain dialogue at the end of the scene which some viewers might find awkward).
- As for MANSFIELD PARK, Austen does not describe the proposal scene in the book and the choice was between 1999 and 2007 movies. The scene from the 1999 movie was picked as it had Austen's lines as voice-over at the beginning.

I hope you would enjoy watching this video! 🙂


Man, growing up in the 90s i forgot how good we had it. It was the era of jane Austen film adaptations, and other period films like little women and jane eyre. They just dint make em like they used to anymore. I miss it. I wish we would have another resurgence of really good films like this again, with beautiful music, amazing performances, and breathtaking scenery.


Persuasion is in my personal top ten novels. ‘You pierce my soul - I am half agony, half hope. Tell me that I am not too late!’
One of the most romantic declarations in English Literature and testament to Austen’s genius.🥰


"My affections and wishes are unchanged... but one word from you will silence me on this subject forever"


The 1995 Sense and Sensibility is such a testament to Emma Thompson's skill as a actress: her crying is so real and painful and physically overwhelming.


I love this Northanger Abbey. They genuinely look like 2 people who have never kissed before and aren't sure how to do it. Then they can't stop. 😂 It's so cute!


When Wentworth and Anne can finaly hold hands after years of obstacles and estrangement. After thinking their chance of love was gone forever. Such a powerful scene. And it ties in with the famous opening lines of Persuasion. I love that book it was Austens best novel.


Thank you for picking the Persuasion version without the crazy running


That line from persuasion we love the longest when all hope is gone . Damn I cry every time it's so true!


The best of Jane Austin’s films, series, etc…. Have always been the BBC productions. They have been the best!! Most true to Jane Austin’s books.


Alan Rickman was amazing in Sense and Sensibility... and Hugh Grant played the awkward Edward Ferras to perfection. A delightful cast all the way around.


The beauty of Patrick Doyle's music in the _Sense and Sensibility_ clip is lovely.


1995 was a great year for Jane Austen's movie adaptation!!


Captain Wentworth *swoon* This is the best version too! Thank you for this compilation!


Gosh, what a lovely video for us old romantic souls 😌 I was thoroughly enchanted and I thank you for taking the time to put it together 🤗


The reactions to seeing Elinor lose control, for the first time in years and years, is so real


All of these proposal scenes were beautifully written and beautifully portrayed by a wealth of wonderful actors. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one. But my personal favorite is the scene from the 1996 EMMA, with Kate Beckinsale and Mark Strong. While Kate was charming, delightful, headstrong at times, and everything Emma is meant to be, it was Mark who won me over completely as Mr. Knightly. He was simply astonishing, in my estimation, and brought every nuance one could hope for to the role. He could not stay away, no matter how hard he tried or how completely despairing he was at times of her self-indulgent behavior. And yes, he lectured her when he felt it necessary to do so. "Badly done, Emma! Badly done!" He was older, but not too much. He was handsome, but not perfect. And though he said he had no skills for speaking of love, he did so with great persuasion and elegance. Yes, they did pretty much stick to Austen's words, and they delivered them exquisitely. The movie was perfectly cast, and all the players were excellent, but, for me, it was Mark Strong who made that movie totally unforgettable!


Emma Thompson's reaction is so real and so honest it gets me every singe time. I have watched it so many times and it always brings a tear to my eye and a lump my throat. Truly one of best dramatic scenes in the history of historic drama.


I don't remember watching this adaptation of Emma but god that's a good Knightley. I think that's the most natural sounding version of his speech I've heard so far


Northanger Abbey is perfect! JJ Feild and Felicity Jones a charming couple! Thanks for this video.
