'Θα τη βρω τη λύση' αλλά με αλφαβητική σειρά

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Since the 21st anniversary of the Disney version of "Hercules" is coming soon (it premiered on June 15th at the New Amsterdam Theatre and was released in public theaters on June 27th), I decided to make this video for that occasion.

To those who don't know the Greek alphabet (even though the lyrics are shown in the video), here it is: Αα Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε Ζζ Ηη Θθ Ιι Κκ Λλ Μμ Νν Ξξ Οο Ππ Ρρ Σσ(ς for the last letter of a word) Ττ Υυ Φφ Χχ Ψψ Ωω.
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